プレイヤーネーム 37T.AQUA
トロフィー Shiny Smily Story
レベル 583
バトルポイント 17059
レーティング 16.44 (MAX 16.45)
マニー 41729 (Total 2122489)
トータルプレイ 6290
コメント 2020/10/10始めました


最終更新: 2024-11-23 07:07:26 (?%表示は未集計です)


Title Dif BS Top diff 達成度 Update
Title Dif BS Top diff 達成度 Update
脳漿炸裂ガール脳漿炸裂ガール 2Exp 1,802,574 11,416,704 9,614,130 15.79% 2020-10-16
ヒバナヒバナ 2Exp 3,312,335 11,304,096 7,991,761 29.30% 2020-10-16
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 2Exp 1,763,927 11,303,979 9,540,052 15.60% 2020-10-16
sweet little sistersweet little sister 2Exp 1,873,570 11,698,931 9,825,361 16.01% 2020-10-16
ナイト・オブ・ナイツナイト・オブ・ナイツ 2Exp 1,750,759 11,302,943 9,552,184 15.49% 2020-10-16
Grip & Break down !!Grip & Break down !! 2Exp 1,814,047 11,529,086 9,715,039 15.73% 2020-10-16
幻想のサテライト幻想のサテライト 2Exp 1,823,228 11,530,392 9,707,164 15.81% 2020-10-16
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix) 2Exp 3,316,182 12,152,068 8,835,886 27.29% 2020-10-16
The FormulaThe Formula 2Exp 1,917,089 11,529,404 9,612,315 16.63% 2020-10-16
Brain PowerBrain Power 2Exp 1,939,362 11,698,857 9,759,495 16.58% 2020-10-16
HalcyonHalcyon 2Exp 2,872,385 11,812,398 8,940,013 24.32% 2020-10-16
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! 2Exp 1,841,631 11,529,390 9,687,759 15.97% 2020-10-16
心象蜃気楼心象蜃気楼 2Exp 1,928,263 11,416,400 9,488,137 16.89% 2020-10-16
STARTLINERSTARTLINER 2Exp 1,866,344 11,360,430 9,494,086 16.43% 2020-10-16
Zest of BlueZest of Blue 2Exp 1,885,843 11,303,191 9,417,348 16.68% 2020-10-16
雷切-RAIKIRI-雷切-RAIKIRI- 2Exp 7,727,125 12,659,248 4,932,123 61.04% 2020-10-17
Sound ChimeraSound Chimera 2Exp 5,696,879 12,377,265 6,680,386 46.03% 2020-10-18
End TimeEnd Time 2Exp 6,796,946 13,055,868 6,258,922 52.06% 2020-10-28
We Gonna JourneyWe Gonna Journey 2Exp 7,073,353 12,942,237 5,868,884 54.65% 2020-10-31
宛城、炎上!!宛城、炎上!! 2Exp 8,680,493 13,226,464 4,545,971 65.63% 2020-11-05
Vibes 2k20Vibes 2k20 2Exp 8,694,912 13,508,570 4,813,658 64.37% 2020-11-07
Reach for the StarsReach for the Stars 2Exp 10,368,497 14,637,189 4,268,692 70.84% 2020-11-26
Stargazing DreamerStargazing Dreamer 2Exp 9,991,852 12,943,241 2,951,389 77.20% 2020-12-02
GAME IS LIFEGAME IS LIFE 2Exp 9,389,169 13,224,588 3,835,419 71.00% 2020-12-23
めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち!めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! 2Exp 8,116,634 12,094,486 3,977,852 67.11% 2020-12-23
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music 2Exp 11,676,605 15,204,910 3,528,305 76.79% 2021-01-19
3939 2Exp 9,103,422 11,304,171 2,200,749 80.53% 2021-02-10
ClimaxClimax 2Exp 9,961,540 12,943,461 2,981,921 76.96% 2021-02-10
OpferOpfer 2Exp 11,110,826 14,638,808 3,527,982 75.90% 2021-02-10
アマツカミアマツカミ 2Exp 10,475,275 14,073,534 3,598,259 74.43% 2021-02-10
folernfolern 2Exp 11,163,399 13,790,556 2,627,157 80.95% 2021-02-24
YURUSHITEYURUSHITE 2Exp 12,066,867 14,638,339 2,571,472 82.43% 2021-02-24
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears 2Exp 12,029,389 14,639,866 2,610,477 82.17% 2021-02-24
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round.Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. 2Exp 11,099,525 15,203,224 4,103,699 73.01% 2021-02-24
脳天直撃脳天直撃 2Exp 12,067,634 15,203,508 3,135,874 79.37% 2021-03-01
愛言葉Ⅲ愛言葉Ⅲ 2Exp 9,636,468 11,812,340 2,175,872 81.58% 2021-03-11
larvalarva 2Exp 9,926,455 12,944,107 3,017,652 76.69% 2021-03-18
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream 2Exp 10,131,409 12,377,228 2,245,819 81.86% 2021-03-18
Virtual to LIVEVirtual to LIVE 2Exp 10,210,250 12,603,684 2,393,434 81.01% 2021-04-09
ラクガキストラクガキスト 2Exp 9,863,451 12,094,621 2,231,170 81.55% 2021-04-23
バイオレンストリガーバイオレンストリガー 2Exp 8,511,952 11,473,078 2,961,126 74.19% 2021-06-19
ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭 2Exp 11,685,824 13,508,474 1,822,650 86.51% 2021-06-19
Pastel SprinklesPastel Sprinkles 2Exp 11,671,456 14,186,184 2,514,728 82.27% 2021-06-19
Cult futureCult future 2Exp 12,243,146 14,299,064 2,055,918 85.62% 2021-06-19
めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! -井之原 小星ソロver.-めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! -井之原 小星ソロver.- 2Exp 10,631,286 13,508,024 2,876,738 78.70% 2021-06-19
めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! -柏木 咲姫ソロver.-めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! -柏木 咲姫ソロver.- 2Exp 11,695,962 13,508,024 1,812,062 86.59% 2021-06-19
Love & JusticeLove & Justice 2Exp 7,181,661 12,603,466 5,421,805 56.98% 2021-08-05
XevelXevel 2Exp 12,135,073 14,129,561 1,994,488 85.88% 2021-08-05
Supersonic GenerationSupersonic Generation 2Exp 12,548,160 14,411,816 1,863,656 87.07% 2021-08-05
ネ!コ!ネ!コ! 2Exp 10,935,561 12,942,052 2,006,491 84.50% 2021-10-16
鬼KYOKAN鬼KYOKAN 2Exp 9,279,931 12,377,038 3,097,107 74.98% 2021-10-16
TitaniaTitania 2Exp 13,010,739 15,203,437 2,192,698 85.58% 2021-10-16
Splash Dance!! -井之原 小星ソロver.-Splash Dance!! -井之原 小星ソロver.- 2Exp 10,542,350 13,508,130 2,965,780 78.04% 2021-10-16
エッビーナースデイエッビーナースデイ 2Exp 5,165,280 11,416,500 6,251,220 45.24% 2022-01-30
ハッピーエンドをはじめからハッピーエンドをはじめから 2Exp 9,592,737 12,660,045 3,067,308 75.77% 2022-01-30
ぶいちゅっばの歌ぶいちゅっばの歌 2Exp 10,434,819 11,812,602 1,377,783 88.34% 2022-01-30
初音天地開闢神話初音天地開闢神話 2Exp 10,354,932 11,755,864 1,400,932 88.08% 2022-01-30
シアワセうさぎ・ぺこみこマリンシアワセうさぎ・ぺこみこマリン 2Exp 9,451,731 11,925,712 2,473,981 79.26% 2022-01-30
2Exp 9,429,980 11,303,086 1,873,106 83.43% 2022-01-30
CutterCutter 2Exp 10,722,934 13,224,627 2,501,693 81.08% 2022-01-30
神威神威 2Exp 10,729,996 12,943,335 2,213,339 82.90% 2022-01-30
TiamaT:F minorTiamaT:F minor 2Exp 10,227,785 14,637,721 4,409,936 69.87% 2022-01-30
Daredevil GlaiveDaredevil Glaive 2Exp 11,894,695 13,734,036 1,839,341 86.61% 2022-01-30
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE 2Exp 10,066,926 12,491,134 2,424,208 80.59% 2022-03-06
ApolloApollo 2Exp 11,383,292 15,768,256 4,384,964 72.19% 2022-03-14
Magical Panic AdventureMagical Panic Adventure 2Exp 12,528,198 15,203,662 2,675,464 82.40% 2022-03-27
LAMIALAMIA 2Exp 13,712,191 15,487,558 1,775,367 88.54% 2022-03-27
ω4ω4 2Exp 13,267,857 15,204,817 1,936,960 87.26% 2022-04-08