プレイヤーネーム hitotose
トロフィー 回レ!雪月花
レベル 35
バトルポイント 7558
レーティング 13.40 (MAX 13.40)
マニー 17883 (Total 39233)
トータルプレイ 160


最終更新: 2024-11-21 09:17:53 (?%表示は未集計です)


Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
Lost PrincessLost Princess 2Exp 276.54% 874.24% 597.70% 31.63% 2020-11-03
ネ!コ!ネ!コ! 2Exp 78.37% 683.63% 605.26% 11.46% 2020-11-03
My Soul,Your Beats!My Soul,Your Beats! 2Exp 112.11% 864.15% 752.04% 12.97% 2020-11-03
Forever FriendsForever Friends 2Exp 371.44% 850.60% 479.16% 43.66% 2020-11-03
beautiful tomorrowbeautiful tomorrow 2Exp 301.55% 781.68% 480.13% 38.57% 2020-11-03
脳漿炸裂ガール脳漿炸裂ガール 2Exp 166.24% 844.94% 678.70% 19.67% 2020-11-03
ダンスロボットダンスダンスロボットダンス 2Exp 31.82% 854.96% 823.14% 3.72% 2020-11-03
初音ミクの消失初音ミクの消失 2Exp 267.71% 836.49% 568.78% 32.00% 2020-11-03
METEORMETEOR 2Exp 297.63% 874.04% 576.41% 34.05% 2020-11-03
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 2Exp 92.46% 873.99% 781.53% 10.57% 2020-11-03
人生リセットボタン人生リセットボタン 2Exp 204.79% 845.99% 641.20% 24.20% 2020-11-03
おねがいダーリンおねがいダーリン 2Exp 176.86% 823.53% 646.67% 21.47% 2020-11-03
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix) 2Exp 166.65% 781.73% 615.08% 21.31% 2020-11-03
ナイト・オブ・ナイツナイト・オブ・ナイツ 2Exp 105.65% 864.11% 758.46% 12.22% 2020-11-03
Calamity FortuneCalamity Fortune 2Exp 124.66% 864.05% 739.39% 14.42% 2020-11-03
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix) 2Exp 226.92% 781.67% 554.75% 29.03% 2020-11-03
The FormulaThe Formula 2Exp 262.37% 845.96% 583.59% 31.01% 2020-11-03
Brain PowerBrain Power 2Exp 79.47% 832.31% 752.84% 9.54% 2020-11-03
HalcyonHalcyon 2Exp 79.18% 823.55% 744.37% 9.61% 2020-11-03
Jack-the-Ripper◆Jack-the-Ripper◆ 2Exp 70.30% 808.64% 738.34% 8.69% 2020-11-03
GOODRAGEGOODRAGE 2Exp 112.71% 683.48% 570.77% 16.49% 2020-11-03
DreadnoughtDreadnought 2Exp 130.48% 753.53% 623.05% 17.31% 2020-11-03
AirAir 2Exp 111.44% 753.52% 642.08% 14.78% 2020-11-03
felys -final remix-felys -final remix- 2Exp 375.74% 859.70% 483.96% 43.70% 2020-11-03
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ 2Exp 82.04% 846.11% 764.07% 9.69% 2020-11-03
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! 2Exp 48.68% 835.92% 787.24% 5.82% 2020-11-03
心象蜃気楼心象蜃気楼 2Exp 277.19% 855.14% 577.95% 32.41% 2020-11-03
Hyper ActiveHyper Active 2Exp 129.82% 832.69% 702.87% 15.59% 2020-11-03
Gate of DoomGate of Doom 2Exp 107.66% 753.56% 645.90% 14.28% 2020-11-03
閃鋼のブリューナク閃鋼のブリューナク 2Exp 1.97% 673.65% 671.68% 0.29% 2020-11-03
folernfolern 2Exp 20.30% 578.62% 558.32% 3.50% 2020-11-03
GenesisGenesis 2Exp 57.88% 683.50% 625.62% 8.46% 2020-11-03
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix)Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix) 2Exp 71.27% 813.47% 742.20% 8.76% 2020-11-03
ツクヨミステップツクヨミステップ 2Exp 130.56% 718.49% 587.93% 18.17% 2020-11-03
Change Our MIRAI! (Our 7 Lights)Change Our MIRAI! (Our 7 Lights) 2Exp 100.19% 827.08% 726.89% 12.11% 2020-11-03
World VanquisherWorld Vanquisher 2Exp 13.13% 578.51% 565.38% 2.26% 2020-11-03
BOKUTOBOKUTO 2Exp 171.71% 778.42% 606.71% 22.05% 2020-11-03
STARTLINERSTARTLINER 2Exp 60.43% 859.61% 799.18% 7.02% 2020-11-03
Perfect Shining!!Perfect Shining!! 2Exp 122.23% 874.05% 751.82% 13.98% 2020-11-03
みんな Happy!!みんな Happy!! 2Exp 151.94% 864.05% 712.11% 17.58% 2020-11-03
Zest of BlueZest of Blue 2Exp 151.72% 874.02% 722.30% 17.35% 2020-11-03
P!P!P!P!がおー!!P!P!P!P!がおー!! 2Exp 97.66% 846.08% 748.42% 11.54% 2020-11-03
Ai NovAi Nov 2Exp 71.15% 683.52% 612.37% 10.40% 2020-11-03
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz 2Exp 143.02% 718.47% 575.45% 19.90% 2020-11-03
RadianceRadiance 2Exp 41.70% 613.38% 571.68% 6.79% 2020-11-03
Ai DrewAi Drew 2Exp 51.42% 543.62% 492.20% 9.45% 2020-11-03
反撃! 突撃! Back To Back!反撃! 突撃! Back To Back! 2Exp 25.01% 788.49% 763.48% 3.17% 2020-11-03