プレイヤーネーム OGENKI
トロフィー キャットラビング
レベル 120
バトルポイント 11681
レーティング 16.51 (MAX 16.52)
マニー 100266 (Total 137106)
トータルプレイ 1161
コメント 世紀末を生きたホモとはこの俺様だぜ。


  Battle Score Over Damage Technical Score
Basic 5,042,052 319.34% 1,009,572
Advanced 5,286,599 318.03% 1,010,000
Expert 118,669,414 3,061.00% 18,970,842
Master 1,391,291,139 25,231.66% 200,769,777
Lunatic 25,089,690 0.00% 3,798,620
Total 1,545,378,894 28,930.03% 225,558,811
  AB+ SSS+ SSS SS S AAA AA A under A FB FC AB 極+ 不可 NoPlay
Basic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Advanced 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Expert 0 3 9 4 3 0 0 0 0 8 4 1 0 2 5 0 2 3 7 0
Master 1 35 116 19 17 5 3 2 5 137 39 17 0 1 23 32 43 47 57 0
Lunatic 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
  AB+ SSS+ SSS SS S AAA AA A under A FB FC AB 極+ 不可 NoPlay
Lv.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.7+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.8+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.9 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.9+ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Lv.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.10+ 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Lv.11 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0
Lv.11+ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Lv.12 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0
Lv.12+ 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0
Lv.13 0 8 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 0 0 5 5 2 1 2 0
Lv.13+ 0 6 24 1 1 2 2 1 0 21 9 4 0 0 7 4 2 10 14 0
Lv.14 0 18 62 4 8 2 1 0 4 64 19 4 0 1 6 17 26 26 23 0
Lv.14+ 0 0 31 9 3 0 0 0 0 37 1 0 0 0 1 6 11 10 15 0
Lv.15 0 0 0 6 3 1 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0
Lv.15+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
  Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic 合計
Lv.0 - - - - - 0
Lv.1 - - - - - 0
Lv.2 1,009,572 - - - - 1,009,572
Lv.3 - - - - - 0
Lv.4 - - - - - 0
Lv.5 - - - - - 0
Lv.6 - 1,010,000 - - - 1,010,000
Lv.7 - - - - - 0
Lv.7+ - - - - - 0
Lv.8 - - - - - 0
Lv.8+ - - - - - 0
Lv.9 - - 1,000,033 - - 1,000,033
Lv.9+ - - 995,945 - - 995,945
Lv.10 - - - - - 0
Lv.10+ - - 997,462 - - 997,462
Lv.11 - - 990,678 995,853 - 992,403
Lv.11+ - - 1,008,181 - - 1,008,181
Lv.12 - - 1,007,668 998,593 - 1,001,618
Lv.12+ - - 1,005,960 1,008,633 - 1,007,742
Lv.13 - - 1,001,660 1,004,813 - 1,004,602
Lv.13+ - - 1,001,555 992,645 1,006,396 993,739
Lv.14 - - 986,425 991,566 895,538 989,523
Lv.14+ - - 993,950 1,000,475 1,001,147 1,000,339
Lv.15 - - - 945,992 - 945,992
Lv.15+ - - - 367,323 - 367,323
All 1,009,572 1,010,000 998,465 989,013 949,655 989,293



現行譜面のみ 現行譜面のみ / スコア0を表示
削除譜面のみ 削除譜面のみ / スコア0を表示


Title Category Dif Lv FB FC AB 評価 Rank BS OD Next TS Next Rate Update
Title Category Dif Lv FB FC AB 評価 Rank BS OD Next TS Next Rate Update
FragranceFragrance チュウマイ 2Exp 14 FB 385.89 971646S 66185196,618,519 385.89% -14.12-14.12% 971646971,646 -18354-18,354 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 S FB Expert 0
POTENTIALPOTENTIAL チュウマイ 2Exp 13 0.00不可 1001660SSS 89189958,918,995 0.00% -100-100% 10016601,001,660 -5840-5,840 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SSS - Expert 0
RED to REDRED to RED オンゲキ 2Exp 12 FB FC 331.16 1009226SSS+ 74090167,409,016 331.16% -68.84-68.84% 10092261,009,226 0- ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS+ FB+FC Expert 0
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 niconico 3Mas 14 FB FC 400.31 1006736SSS 70196477,019,647 400.31% -99.69-99.69% 10067361,006,736 -764-764 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB+FC Master 0
妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!! 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 272.58 1005097SSS 76359877,635,987 272.58% -27.43-27.43% 10050971,005,097 -2403-2,403 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
Invisible FrenzyInvisible Frenzy VARIETY 3Mas 14+ 85.96 979265S 91495469,149,546 85.96% -14.05-14.05% 979265979,265 -10735-10,735 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 S - Master 0
Knight RiderKnight Rider VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 235.00 1001673SSS 83521278,352,127 235.00% -65-65% 10016731,001,673 -5827-5,827 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
conflictconflict VARIETY 3Mas 13+ FB 272.87 1005985SSS 80342978,034,297 272.87% -27.13-27.13% 10059851,005,985 -1515-1,515 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
MANIERA REMASTEREDMANIERA REMASTERED VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 345.92 994849SS 73971407,397,140 345.92% -54.08-54.08% 994849994,849 -5151-5,151 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SS FB Master 0
Scythe of DeathScythe of Death チュウマイ 3Mas 15 0.00不可 945811AAA 93214689,321,468 0.00% -100-100% 945811945,811 -24189-24,189 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 AAA - Master 0
Imitation:Loud LoungeImitation:Loud Lounge チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB FC 239.56 1008058SSS+ 77333167,733,316 239.56% -60.44-60.44% 10080581,008,058 0- ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
POTENTIALPOTENTIAL チュウマイ 3Mas 15 0.00不可 881895A 75932017,593,201 0.00% -100-100% 881895881,895 -18105-18,105 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 A - Master 0
BREaK! BREaK! BREaK!BREaK! BREaK! BREaK! チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1007862SSS+ 97201409,720,140 0.00% -100-100% 10078621,007,862 0- ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SSS+ FB Master 0
花と、雪と、ドラムンベース。花と、雪と、ドラムンベース。 チュウマイ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 495696B 41671834,167,183 0.00% -100-100% 495696495,696 -354304-354,304 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 under A - Master 0
蜘蛛の糸蜘蛛の糸 チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1007434SSS 92959659,295,965 0.00% -100-100% 10074341,007,434 -66-66 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SSS FB Master 0
TECHNOPOLIS 2085TECHNOPOLIS 2085 チュウマイ 3Mas 14 45.01 974500S 83163548,316,354 45.01% -54.99-54.99% 974500974,500 -15500-15,500 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 S - Master 0
渦状銀河のシンフォニエッタ渦状銀河のシンフォニエッタ チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 122.25 1000533SSS 85225088,522,508 122.25% -77.75-77.75% 10005331,000,533 -6967-6,967 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
TiamaT:F minorTiamaT:F minor チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 11.68 1003910SSS 91130549,113,054 11.68% -88.32-88.32% 10039101,003,910 -3590-3,590 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
Ai CAi C オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1006597SSS 92200479,220,047 0.00% -100-100% 10065971,006,597 -903-903 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SSS FB Master 0
Stardust:RAYStardust:RAY オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 993202SS 98907979,890,797 0.00% -100-100% 993202993,202 -6798-6,798 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SS FB Master 0
Baqeela (Creepy Remix)Baqeela (Creepy Remix) オンゲキ 3Mas 14 97.12 1002975SSS 90963449,096,344 97.12% -2.88-2.88% 10029751,002,975 -4525-4,525 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS - Master 0
オンソクデイズ!!オンソクデイズ!! オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 995902SS 88261498,826,149 0.00% -100-100% 995902995,902 -4098-4,098 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SS FB Master 0
YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix)YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix) オンゲキ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 944921AAA 73964877,396,487 0.00% -100-100% 944921944,921 -25079-25,079 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 AAA - Master 0
TAKE ON THE WORLDTAKE ON THE WORLD オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 382.53 1009697SSS+ 72126657,212,665 382.53% -17.48-17.48% 10096971,009,697 0- ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
RED to REDRED to RED オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 332.47 1009851SSS+ 77600687,760,068 332.47% -67.53-67.53% 10098511,009,851 0- ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 13.68 1003849SSS 92687879,268,787 13.68% -86.32-86.32% 10038491,003,849 -3651-3,651 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
MAGNETAR GIRLMAGNETAR GIRL オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 43.70 1006122SSS 97313569,731,356 43.70% -56.3-56.3% 10061221,006,122 -1378-1,378 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
AstrøNotes.AstrøNotes. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 33.96 1005139SSS 89727658,972,765 33.96% -66.04-66.04% 10051391,005,139 -2361-2,361 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
FLUFFY FLASHFLUFFY FLASH オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 152.84 1003910SSS 83076838,307,683 152.84% -47.16-47.16% 10039101,003,910 -3590-3,590 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
霧の書斎霧の書斎 オンゲキ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 1002394SSS 99110879,911,087 0.00% -100-100% 10023941,002,394 -5106-5,106 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SSS - Master 0
A Man In The MirrorA Man In The Mirror オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 137.02 1004357SSS 80596698,059,669 137.02% -62.98-62.98% 10043571,004,357 -3143-3,143 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
アマツカミアマツカミ オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB 82.78 1004145SSS 89210498,921,049 82.78% -17.22-17.22% 10041451,004,145 -3355-3,355 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
SUPER AMBULANCESUPER AMBULANCE オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 187.43 1004701SSS 85334528,533,452 187.43% -12.57-12.57% 10047011,004,701 -2799-2,799 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 SSS FB Master 0
ω4ω4 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 999423SS 94772329,477,232 0.00% -100-100% 999423999,423 -577-577 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 SS FB Master 0
LAMIALAMIA オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 987586S 90171839,017,183 0.00% -100-100% 987586987,586 -2414-2,414 ||||||||| 2023-10-09 01:08:20 不可 S FB Master 0
最強 the サマータイム!!!!!最強 the サマータイム!!!!! オンゲキ 2Exp 9+ FB 408.91 1006678SSS 71500617,150,061 408.91% -91.09-91.09% 10066781,006,678 -822-822 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Expert 0
Splash Dance!!Splash Dance!! オンゲキ 2Exp 10+ 401.16 990739SS 70198677,019,867 401.16% -98.84-98.84% 990739990,739 -9261-9,261 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SS - Expert 0
No Limit RED ForceNo Limit RED Force オンゲキ 2Exp 9 372.95 990355SS 68834676,883,467 372.95% -27.06-27.06% 990355990,355 -9645-9,645 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SS - Expert 0
STARRED HEARTSTARRED HEART オンゲキ 2Exp 11 353.19 976728S 69863776,986,377 353.19% -46.81-46.81% 976728976,728 -13272-13,272 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 S - Expert 0
あ・り・ま・す・か?あ・り・ま・す・か? POPS&ANIME 3Mas 14 FB 184.77 1004892SSS 82533798,253,379 184.77% -15.23-15.23% 10048921,004,892 -2608-2,608 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
藍の華藍の華 POPS&ANIME 3Mas 13+ FB 395.02 1007455SSS 72531857,253,185 395.02% -4.99-4.99% 10074551,007,455 -45-45 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
キャットラビングキャットラビング niconico 3Mas 12 FB FC AB 394.73 1010000AB+ 72495407,249,540 394.73% -5.27-5.27% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? - Greater ScarletU.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? - Greater Scarlet 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB FC 310.96 1003238SSS 77501647,750,164 310.96% -89.05-89.05% 10032381,003,238 -4262-4,262 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
銀のめぐり銀のめぐり 東方Project 3Mas 13 FB FC 208.92 1007591SSS+ 80412888,041,288 208.92% -91.09-91.09% 10075911,007,591 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
Satori ~3rd EyEs (2020 Recall)Satori ~3rd EyEs (2020 Recall) 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 245.16 1008357SSS+ 77070047,707,004 245.16% -54.84-54.84% 10083571,008,357 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB Master 0
Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine)Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine) 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 191.37 1007423SSS 84045048,404,504 191.37% -8.63-8.63% 10074231,007,423 -77-77 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Malicious MischanceMalicious Mischance VARIETY 3Mas 14 118.44 847498B 65553946,555,394 118.44% -81.56-81.56% 847498847,498 -2502-2,502 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 under A - Master 0
TempestissimoTempestissimo VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 159.60 1000126SSS 87498938,749,893 159.60% -40.41-40.41% 10001261,000,126 -7374-7,374 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Akasagarbha -reincarnate-Akasagarbha -reincarnate- VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 202.68 1006737SSS 78546557,854,655 202.68% -97.32-97.32% 10067371,006,737 -763-763 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Crimson PhoenixCrimson Phoenix VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 269.40 1006819SSS 73001127,300,112 269.40% -30.61-30.61% 10068191,006,819 -681-681 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
神威神威 VARIETY 3Mas 14 231.22 1006005SSS 83811568,381,156 231.22% -68.78-68.78% 10060051,006,005 -1495-1,495 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
End TimeEnd Time VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 189.03 1003989SSS 78620127,862,012 189.03% -10.97-10.97% 10039891,003,989 -3511-3,511 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
AirAir VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 277.19 1004881SSS 77254827,725,482 277.19% -22.81-22.81% 10048811,004,881 -2619-2,619 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
GOODRAGEGOODRAGE VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 191.81 1008382SSS+ 76641917,664,191 191.81% -8.19-8.19% 10083821,008,382 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Shamshir -rough Pt.2-Shamshir -rough Pt.2- VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 276.82 998509SS 75169107,516,910 276.82% -23.19-23.19% 998509998,509 -1491-1,491 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SS FB Master 0
c.s.q.n.c.s.q.n. VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 316.82 1007763SSS+ 73799567,379,956 316.82% -83.18-83.18% 10077631,007,763 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
HainuweleHainuwele チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 52.03 989574S 82949278,294,927 52.03% -47.97-47.97% 989574989,574 -426-426 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 S FB Master 0
Starry ColorsStarry Colors チュウマイ 3Mas 14 76.80 1003530SSS 83509718,350,971 76.80% -23.21-23.21% 10035301,003,530 -3970-3,970 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
宿星審判宿星審判 チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 992945SS 92665129,266,512 0.00% -100-100% 992945992,945 -7055-7,055 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SS FB Master 0
宙の隣宙の隣 チュウマイ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 757593B 54133935,413,393 0.00% -100-100% 757593757,593 -92407-92,407 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 under A - Master 0
Caliburne ~Story of the Legendary sword~Caliburne ~Story of the Legendary sword~ チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 46.93 1002682SSS 90870979,087,097 46.93% -53.07-53.07% 10026821,002,682 -4818-4,818 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
ここからはじまるプロローグ。ここからはじまるプロローグ。 チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 193.47 1002247SSS 85502818,550,281 193.47% -6.54-6.54% 10022471,002,247 -5253-5,253 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Trrricksters!!Trrricksters!! チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 149.21 1005921SSS 90844029,084,402 149.21% -50.79-50.79% 10059211,005,921 -1579-1,579 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ 378.94 1006812SSS 72150627,215,062 378.94% -21.06-21.06% 10068121,006,812 -688-688 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
Mare MarisMare Maris チュウマイ 3Mas 12 FB 373.04 1001636SSS 70248547,024,854 373.04% -26.96-26.96% 10016361,001,636 -5864-5,864 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
雷切-RAIKIRI-雷切-RAIKIRI- チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 272.07 1006348SSS 81062628,106,262 272.07% -27.94-27.94% 10063481,006,348 -1152-1,152 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
larvalarva チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 236.15 1003340SSS 83442638,344,263 236.15% -63.85-63.85% 10033401,003,340 -4160-4,160 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
四月の雨四月の雨 チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB 364.57 1005602SSS 67700116,770,011 364.57% -35.44-35.44% 10056021,005,602 -1898-1,898 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
エンドマークに希望と涙を添えてエンドマークに希望と涙を添えて チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FC 119.77 1006758SSS 87367648,736,764 119.77% -80.23-80.23% 10067581,006,758 -742-742 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FC Master 0
怒槌怒槌 チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC 62.39 1006818SSS 85465628,546,562 62.39% -37.61-37.61% 10068181,006,818 -682-682 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 34.53 1005224SSS 87158138,715,813 34.53% -65.47-65.47% 10052241,005,224 -2276-2,276 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
folernfolern チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC 98.55 1008622SSS+ 84592638,459,263 98.55% -1.46-1.46% 10086221,008,622 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
otorii INNOVATED -[i]3-otorii INNOVATED -[i]3- チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB FC 130.38 1005700SSS 82642298,264,229 130.38% -69.62-69.62% 10057001,005,700 -1800-1,800 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
GenesisGenesis チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC 194.39 1006703SSS 73551317,355,131 194.39% -5.62-5.62% 10067031,006,703 -797-797 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
ClimaxClimax チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 209.08 1005345SSS 79533047,953,304 209.08% -90.92-90.92% 10053451,005,345 -2155-2,155 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
シャッキーーン!!シャッキーーン!! チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 241.58 1007735SSS+ 87457408,745,740 241.58% -58.42-58.42% 10077351,007,735 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB Master 0
XevelXevel チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 61.67 1002336SSS 85943228,594,322 61.67% -38.33-38.33% 10023361,002,336 -5164-5,164 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Supersonic GenerationSupersonic Generation チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 975004S 83917508,391,750 0.00% -100-100% 975004975,004 -14996-14,996 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 S FB Master 0
ゼーレンヴァンデルングゼーレンヴァンデルング オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 998974SS 93956449,395,644 0.00% -100-100% 998974998,974 -1026-1,026 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SS FB Master 0
其のエメラルドを見よ其のエメラルドを見よ オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1004483SSS 93013639,301,363 0.00% -100-100% 10044831,004,483 -3017-3,017 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SSS FB Master 0
ICEBURNICEBURN オンゲキ 3Mas 14 115.00 1000192SSS 80192618,019,261 115.00% -85-85% 10001921,000,192 -7308-7,308 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
Knocking HarderKnocking Harder オンゲキ 3Mas 14 108.06 979728S 83170358,317,035 108.06% -91.94-91.94% 979728979,728 -10272-10,272 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 S - Master 0
Final Flash FlightFinal Flash Flight オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 105.23 1004712SSS 91860349,186,034 105.23% -94.77-94.77% 10047121,004,712 -2788-2,788 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
What color...What color... オンゲキ 3Mas 12+ FB FC AB 352.79 1009464SSS+ 72653327,265,332 352.79% -47.21-47.21% 10094641,009,464 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
DolphikaDolphika オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 352.76 1009657SSS+ 73047597,304,759 352.76% -47.25-47.25% 10096571,009,657 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
MEGATON BLASTMEGATON BLAST オンゲキ 3Mas 14 341.35 1004604SSS 70593257,059,325 341.35% -58.65-58.65% 10046041,004,604 -2896-2,896 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
MEGATON BLAST (tpz Overcute Remix)MEGATON BLAST (tpz Overcute Remix) オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 30.27 1009324SSS+ 87199728,719,972 30.27% -69.73-69.73% 10093241,009,324 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
RELOADRELOAD オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 271.14 1004658SSS 75828757,582,875 271.14% -28.87-28.87% 10046581,004,658 -2842-2,842 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Diamond DustDiamond Dust オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1002224SSS 90151669,015,166 0.00% -100-100% 10022241,002,224 -5276-5,276 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SSS FB Master 0
美夜月鏡美夜月鏡 オンゲキ 3Mas 14 21.08 1006162SSS 89539718,953,971 21.08% -78.92-78.92% 10061621,006,162 -1338-1,338 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
エータ・ベータ・イータエータ・ベータ・イータ オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 42.13 1008154SSS+ 95133359,513,335 42.13% -57.87-57.87% 10081541,008,154 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
B WiZ UB WiZ U オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 166.57 1003160SSS 88703788,870,378 166.57% -33.44-33.44% 10031601,003,160 -4340-4,340 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
Death DollDeath Doll オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB 265.38 987172S 72881217,288,121 265.38% -34.63-34.63% 987172987,172 -2828-2,828 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 S FB Master 0
Cult futureCult future オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 21.55 1001101SSS 84060408,406,040 21.55% -78.45-78.45% 10011011,001,101 -6399-6,399 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
脳天直撃脳天直撃 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 0.00不可 992656SS 1019294710,192,947 0.00% -100-100% 992656992,656 -7344-7,344 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SS - Master 0
オンゲキ 3Mas 14 198.10 1001391SSS 79213087,921,308 198.10% -1.91-1.91% 10013911,001,391 -6109-6,109 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
DaydreamaDaydreama オンゲキ 3Mas 14 311.29 1007494SSS 81713008,171,300 311.29% -88.71-88.71% 10074941,007,494 -6-6 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS - Master 0
Adverse GaffAdverse Gaff オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 121.44 999752SS 91897729,189,772 121.44% -78.56-78.56% 999752999,752 -248-248 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SS FB Master 0
Dazzle hopDazzle hop オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 86.37 1007632SSS+ 89973578,997,357 86.37% -13.63-13.63% 10076321,007,632 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
YURUSHITEYURUSHITE オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 8.43 1000190SSS 92905599,290,559 8.43% -91.57-91.57% 10001901,000,190 -7310-7,310 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
GEOMETRIC DANCEGEOMETRIC DANCE オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 155.74 1004778SSS 83752068,375,206 155.74% -44.26-44.26% 10047781,004,778 -2722-2,722 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
OpferOpfer オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 996875SS 89200428,920,042 0.00% -100-100% 996875996,875 -3125-3,125 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SS FB Master 0
TitaniaTitania オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1000120SSS 90992619,099,261 0.00% -100-100% 10001201,000,120 -7380-7,380 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SSS FB Master 0
Stargazing DreamerStargazing Dreamer オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 211.67 1008245SSS+ 81211218,121,121 211.67% -88.34-88.34% 10082451,008,245 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round.Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 998364SS 95872289,587,228 0.00% -100-100% 998364998,364 -1636-1,636 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SS FB Master 0
Lazy AddictionLazy Addiction オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB 325.51 1008595SSS+ 76368447,636,844 325.51% -74.5-74.5% 10085951,008,595 0- ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS+ FB Master 0
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 243.45 1003954SSS 76659387,665,938 243.45% -56.56-56.56% 10039541,003,954 -3546-3,546 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB Master 0
LiftOffLiftOff オンゲキ 3Mas 14 143.52 979793S 76816117,681,611 143.52% -56.48-56.48% 979793979,793 -10207-10,207 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 S - Master 0
ミラージュ・フレイグランスミラージュ・フレイグランス オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 181.21 1007270SSS 81761098,176,109 181.21% -18.79-18.79% 10072701,007,270 -230-230 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
Falsum Atlantis.Falsum Atlantis. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 1003067SSS 98796949,879,694 0.00% -100-100% 10030671,003,067 -4433-4,433 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SSS FB Master 0
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ 0.00不可 1001568SSS 95650589,565,058 0.00% -100-100% 10015681,001,568 -5932-5,932 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 SSS - Master 0
μάγιαμάγια オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 119.95 1007404SSS 88313398,831,339 119.95% -80.05-80.05% 10074041,007,404 -96-96 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 SSS FB+FC Master 0
What color...What color... オンゲキ 10Lun 14 0.00不可 787727B 63101636,310,163 0.00% -100-100% 787727787,727 -62273-62,273 ||||||||| 2023-03-18 00:03:44 不可 under A - Lunatic 0
スクランブル交際スクランブル交際 niconico 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 354.28 1009609SSS+ 64964206,496,420 354.28% -45.73-45.73% 10096091,009,609 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
ダンスロボットダンスダンスロボットダンス niconico 3Mas 12 FC AB 360.59 1008519SSS+ 67533386,753,338 360.59% -39.42-39.42% 10085191,008,519 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FC+AB Master 0
ラクガキストラクガキスト niconico 3Mas 14 FB 286.60 1008690SSS+ 69876716,987,671 286.60% -13.4-13.4% 10086901,008,690 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB Master 0
ベノムベノム niconico 3Mas 12+ FB 351.68 1007802SSS+ 67348696,734,869 351.68% -48.32-48.32% 10078021,007,802 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB Master 0
幾望の月幾望の月 niconico 3Mas 13 301.30 1003150SSS 69124946,912,494 301.30% -98.7-98.7% 10031501,003,150 -4350-4,350 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS - Master 0
吉原ラメント吉原ラメント niconico 3Mas 13 348.45 1004909SSS 65360176,536,017 348.45% -51.56-51.56% 10049091,004,909 -2591-2,591 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS - Master 0
クイーンオブハートクイーンオブハート niconico 3Mas 13+ FB 343.79 1006534SSS 68743296,874,329 343.79% -56.21-56.21% 10065341,006,534 -966-966 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS FB Master 0
ウサテイウサテイ 東方Project 3Mas 13+ 364.73 1007263SSS 70134507,013,450 364.73% -35.27-35.27% 10072631,007,263 -237-237 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS - Master 0
妖狐仙楽踏妖狐仙楽踏 東方Project 3Mas 13 FC AB 250.20 1008661SSS+ 69818306,981,830 250.20% -49.81-49.81% 10086611,008,661 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FC+AB Master 0
YO-KAI DiscoYO-KAI Disco VARIETY 3Mas 13+ FB 202.80 1006655SSS 70075727,007,572 202.80% -97.2-97.2% 10066551,006,655 -845-845 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS FB Master 0
Dement ~after legend~Dement ~after legend~ VARIETY 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 281.71 1008202SSS+ 68522426,852,242 281.71% -18.3-18.3% 10082021,008,202 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Re:End of a DreamRe:End of a Dream VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 276.79 1004836SSS 70516907,051,690 276.79% -23.21-23.21% 10048361,004,836 -2664-2,664 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS FB Master 0
ユメキキョウユメキキョウ チュウマイ 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 149.88 1008313SSS+ 83974558,397,455 149.88% -50.12-50.12% 10083131,008,313 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
コスモポップファンクラブコスモポップファンクラブ チュウマイ 3Mas 13 298.56 989994S 65223476,522,347 298.56% -1.44-1.44% 989994989,994 -6-6 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 S - Master 0
Alea jacta est!Alea jacta est! チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ 56.31 993018SS 68519406,851,940 56.31% -43.69-43.69% 993018993,018 -6982-6,982 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SS - Master 0
7thSense7thSense チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 51.78 1007510SSS+ 74908307,490,830 51.78% -48.22-48.22% 10075101,007,510 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
ロボットプラネットユートピアロボットプラネットユートピア チュウマイ 3Mas 13 FC AB 176.77 1008880SSS+ 82024388,202,438 176.77% -23.23-23.23% 10088801,008,880 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FC+AB Master 0
GODLINESSGODLINESS オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009337SSS+ 84499738,449,973 0.00% -100-100% 10093371,009,337 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Everlasting TodayEverlasting Today オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC 72.96 1008368SSS+ 88341888,834,188 72.96% -27.05-27.05% 10083681,008,368 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
HalcyonHalcyon VARIETY 10Lun 14+ FB 0.00不可 1001147SSS 85082238,508,223 0.00% -100-100% 10011471,001,147 -6353-6,353 ||||||||| 2022-12-23 17:38:13 不可 SSS FB Lunatic 0
キャットラビングキャットラビング niconico 0Bas 2 FB FC AB 319.34 1009572SSS+ 50420525,042,052 319.34% -80.67-80.67% 10095721,009,572 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Basic 0
キャットラビングキャットラビング niconico 1Adv 6 FB FC AB 318.03 1010000AB+ 52865995,286,599 318.03% -81.98-81.98% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 AB+ FB+FC+AB Advanced 0
キャットラビングキャットラビング niconico 2Exp 9 FB FC AB 318.87 1009712SSS+ 57765865,776,586 318.87% -81.13-81.13% 10097121,009,712 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Expert 0
C & BC & B チュウマイ 2Exp 11+ 94.42 1008181SSS+ 63246936,324,693 94.42% -5.58-5.58% 10081811,008,181 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ - Expert 0
ハードコア・シンドロームハードコア・シンドローム チュウマイ 2Exp 12+ 53.62 1005960SSS 73911187,391,118 53.62% -46.38-46.38% 10059601,005,960 -1540-1,540 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Expert 0
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines オンゲキ 2Exp 14+ 0.00不可 993950SS 66670066,667,006 0.00% -100-100% 993950993,950 -6050-6,050 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SS - Expert 0
μ3μ3 オンゲキ 2Exp 14 0.00不可 1001205SSS 69776446,977,644 0.00% -100-100% 10012051,001,205 -6295-6,295 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SSS - Expert 0
YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix)YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix) オンゲキ 2Exp 12 FB 0.00不可 1006110SSS 62862476,286,247 0.00% -100-100% 10061101,006,110 -1390-1,390 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SSS FB Expert 0
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 オンゲキ 2Exp 13+ 0.00不可 997446SS 78371527,837,152 0.00% -100-100% 997446997,446 -2554-2,554 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SS - Expert 0
ヒトガタヒトガタ POPS&ANIME 3Mas 13 FB 268.97 1007863SSS+ 52575295,257,529 268.97% -31.03-31.03% 10078631,007,863 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB Master 0
ジングルベルジングルベル POPS&ANIME 3Mas 14 0.00不可 976753S 56582755,658,275 0.00% -100-100% 976753976,753 -13247-13,247 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 S - Master 0
ArmageddonArmageddon 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 59.16 1000853SSS 60121536,012,153 59.16% -40.85-40.85% 10008531,000,853 -6647-6,647 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
神々が恋した幻想郷神々が恋した幻想郷 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 165.24 1006965SSS 59026575,902,657 165.24% -34.76-34.76% 10069651,006,965 -535-535 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix) 東方Project 3Mas 14 164.56 1006641SSS 54193095,419,309 164.56% -35.44-35.44% 10066411,006,641 -859-859 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Master 0
Everything Will FreezeEverything Will Freeze 東方Project 3Mas 14 FB 163.02 1005031SSS 54038975,403,897 163.02% -36.98-36.98% 10050311,005,031 -2469-2,469 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
CyaeghaCyaegha VARIETY 3Mas 13+ 40.48 1004588SSS 61693796,169,379 40.48% -59.52-59.52% 10045881,004,588 -2912-2,912 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Master 0
8OROCHI8OROCHI VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC 257.20 1008319SSS+ 57620975,762,097 257.20% -42.81-42.81% 10083191,008,319 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
BBBLOW -rebuild-BBBLOW -rebuild- VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 92.75 1005482SSS 57239535,723,953 92.75% -7.25-7.25% 10054821,005,482 -2018-2,018 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
ShowgutsShowguts VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 342.92 1005341SSS 58978445,897,844 342.92% -57.08-57.08% 10053411,005,341 -2159-2,159 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
Jack-the-Ripper◆Jack-the-Ripper◆ VARIETY 3Mas 14 164.36 933897AA 51489765,148,976 164.36% -35.64-35.64% 933897933,897 -6103-6,103 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 AA - Master 0
AltaleAltale VARIETY 3Mas 14 116.54 1002906SSS 57998435,799,843 116.54% -83.46-83.46% 10029061,002,906 -4594-4,594 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Master 0
ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIXENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC 55.99 1007779SSS+ 68389056,838,905 55.99% -44.01-44.01% 10077791,007,779 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
C & BC & B チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ 94.37 1002168SSS 66120136,612,013 94.37% -5.63-5.63% 10021681,002,168 -5332-5,332 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Master 0
ハードコア・シンドロームハードコア・シンドローム チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 56.42 1004006SSS 77651057,765,105 56.42% -43.58-43.58% 10040061,004,006 -3494-3,494 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
Blows Up EverythingBlows Up Everything チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 165.16 1007599SSS+ 62659626,265,962 165.16% -34.85-34.85% 10075991,007,599 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB Master 0
Garakuta Doll PlayGarakuta Doll Play チュウマイ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 994987SS 68992456,899,245 0.00% -100-100% 994987994,987 -5013-5,013 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SS - Master 0
TEmPTaTiONTEmPTaTiON チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 63.30 1005348SSS 57644675,764,467 63.30% -36.71-36.71% 10053481,005,348 -2152-2,152 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
World VanquisherWorld Vanquisher チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC 27.81 1007717SSS+ 70862037,086,203 27.81% -72.19-72.19% 10077171,007,717 0- ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines オンゲキ 3Mas 15+ 0.00不可 367323B 442852442,852 0.00% -100-100% 367323367,323 -482677-482,677 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 under A - Master 0
μ3μ3 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 0.00不可 608706B 40724264,072,426 0.00% -100-100% 608706608,706 -241294-241,294 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 under A - Master 0
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 991844SS 66828166,682,816 0.00% -100-100% 991844991,844 -8156-8,156 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SS FB Master 0
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ 219.95 1000472SSS 66924346,692,434 219.95% -80.06-80.06% 10004721,000,472 -7028-7,028 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS - Master 0
R'N'R MonstaR'N'R Monsta オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 42.26 1006718SSS 76295797,629,579 42.26% -57.74-57.74% 10067181,006,718 -782-782 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
Daredevil GlaiveDaredevil Glaive オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1005521SSS 60352956,035,295 0.00% -100-100% 10055211,005,521 -1979-1,979 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SSS FB Master 0
RadianceRadiance オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB 0.00不可 1005484SSS 60126146,012,614 0.00% -100-100% 10054841,005,484 -2016-2,016 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 SSS FB Master 0
SuspiroSuspiro オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 952999AAA 53827775,382,777 0.00% -100-100% 952999952,999 -17001-17,001 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 不可 AAA - Master 0
AenbharrAenbharr オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 7.93 1006924SSS 76372807,637,280 7.93% -92.07-92.07% 10069241,006,924 -576-576 ||||||||| 2022-12-03 21:33:04 SSS FB Master 0
BLUE ZONEBLUE ZONE VARIETY 3Mas 14 0.00不可 978432S 58722885,872,288 0.00% -100-100% 978432978,432 -11568-11,568 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 不可 S - Master 0
21124104039272432333682112410403927243233368 VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 118.54 1005420SSS 58161945,816,194 118.54% -81.46-81.46% 10054201,005,420 -2080-2,080 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 SSS FB Master 0
felys -final remix-felys -final remix- VARIETY 3Mas 14 242.36 1007042SSS 50893305,089,330 242.36% -57.64-57.64% 10070421,007,042 -458-458 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 SSS - Master 0
Love & JusticeLove & Justice VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 128.02 1005933SSS 60317786,031,778 128.02% -71.98-71.98% 10059331,005,933 -1567-1,567 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 SSS FB Master 0
PinqPiq (xovevox Remix)PinqPiq (xovevox Remix) オンゲキ 3Mas 14 232.24 999986SS 56438945,643,894 232.24% -67.76-67.76% 999986999,986 -14-14 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 SS - Master 0
Galaxy BlasterGalaxy Blaster オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1007448SSS 66627136,662,713 0.00% -100-100% 10074481,007,448 -52-52 ||||||||| 2022-04-07 22:44:18 不可 SSS FB Master 0
カナリアカナリア POPS&ANIME 3Mas 14 FB 185.82 1005685SSS 55517165,551,716 185.82% -14.19-14.19% 10056851,005,685 -1815-1,815 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
サイハテサイハテ niconico 3Mas 13+ FB 123.14 1007122SSS 53648455,364,845 123.14% -76.86-76.86% 10071221,007,122 -378-378 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
In ChaosIn Chaos VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 972760S 41623364,162,336 0.00% -100-100% 972760972,760 -17240-17,240 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 S FB Master 0
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 133.20 1001107SSS 57594465,759,446 133.20% -66.81-66.81% 10011071,001,107 -6393-6,393 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
Grievous LadyGrievous Lady VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 193.69 1005711SSS 57915145,791,514 193.69% -6.32-6.32% 10057111,005,711 -1789-1,789 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix)FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix) VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 145.20 1001729SSS 56985485,698,548 145.20% -54.81-54.81% 10017291,001,729 -5771-5,771 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
BATTLE NO.1BATTLE NO.1 VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1001670SSS 60257416,025,741 0.00% -100-100% 10016701,001,670 -5830-5,830 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 SSS FB Master 0
AmphisbaenaAmphisbaena VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 17.83 1004631SSS 62132386,213,238 17.83% -82.17-82.17% 10046311,004,631 -2869-2,869 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
SILENT BLUESILENT BLUE チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 15.30 1003217SSS 64599446,459,944 15.30% -84.7-84.7% 10032171,003,217 -4283-4,283 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB Master 0
閃鋼のブリューナク閃鋼のブリューナク チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB FC 52.01 1006844SSS 55082145,508,214 52.01% -47.99-47.99% 10068441,006,844 -656-656 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB+FC Master 0
Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX)Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX) チュウマイ 3Mas 14 89.53 1007525SSS+ 62130736,213,073 89.53% -10.47-10.47% 10075251,007,525 0- ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS+ - Master 0
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix)Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix) チュウマイ 3Mas 14 228.69 1003924SSS 56146415,614,641 228.69% -71.31-71.31% 10039241,003,924 -3576-3,576 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS - Master 0
Princesses HolidayPrincesses Holiday オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1006664SSS 68289606,828,960 0.00% -100-100% 10066641,006,664 -836-836 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 SSS FB Master 0
STARTLINERSTARTLINER オンゲキ 3Mas 11 172.55 995853SS 40860794,086,079 172.55% -27.45-27.45% 995853995,853 -4147-4,147 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SS - Master 0
Jump!! Jump!! Jump!!Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! オンゲキ 3Mas 12 168.92 974220S 40225104,022,510 168.92% -31.09-31.09% 974220974,220 -15780-15,780 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 S - Master 0
ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭 オンゲキ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 1003353SSS 60143226,014,322 0.00% -100-100% 10033531,003,353 -4147-4,147 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 SSS - Master 0
Last KingdomLast Kingdom オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 925351AA 55802395,580,239 0.00% -100-100% 925351925,351 -14649-14,649 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 AA - Master 0
Touch and GoTouch and Go オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC 46.40 1007315SSS 40619564,061,956 46.40% -53.6-53.6% 10073151,007,315 -185-185 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS FB+FC Master 0
ApolloApollo オンゲキ 3Mas 15 0.00不可 978009S 52376195,237,619 0.00% -100-100% 978009978,009 -11991-11,991 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 S - Master 0
SingularitySingularity オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ 0.00不可 1001329SSS 60059576,005,957 0.00% -100-100% 10013291,001,329 -6171-6,171 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 不可 SSS - Master 0
SingularitySingularity VARIETY 3Mas 14 236.89 1003067SSS 53094845,309,484 236.89% -63.12-63.12% 10030671,003,067 -4433-4,433 ||||||||| 2022-04-01 00:51:16 SSS - Master 0
Last CelebrationLast Celebration チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 9.94 1002984SSS 38536733,853,673 9.94% -90.06-90.06% 10029841,002,984 -4516-4,516 ||||||||| 2022-03-24 00:19:01 SSS FB Master 0
Magical Panic AdventureMagical Panic Adventure オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 982958S 28191622,819,162 0.00% -100-100% 982958982,958 -7042-7,042 ||||||||| 2022-03-24 00:19:01 不可 S FB Master 0
YO-KAI DiscoYO-KAI Disco VARIETY 10Lun 13+ 0.00不可 1006396SSS 40595674,059,567 0.00% -100-100% 10063961,006,396 -1104-1,104 ||||||||| 2022-03-24 00:19:01 不可 SSS - Lunatic 0
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい niconico 2Exp 9+ 22.30 985212S 21366652,136,665 22.30% -77.7-77.7% 985212985,212 -4788-4,788 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 S - Expert 0
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい niconico 3Mas 13 22.97 1006404SSS 22486032,248,603 22.97% -77.03-77.03% 10064041,006,404 -1096-1,096 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 SSS - Master 0
初音天地開闢神話初音天地開闢神話 niconico 3Mas 13+ 0.49 916578AA 17961671,796,167 0.49% -99.51-99.51% 916578916,578 -23422-23,422 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 AA - Master 0
LUNA DIAL -Version X-SAKUYA-LUNA DIAL -Version X-SAKUYA- 東方Project 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 1001555SSS 22215502,221,550 0.00% -100-100% 10015551,001,555 -5945-5,945 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SSS - Master 0
断罪は遍く人間の元に断罪は遍く人間の元に 東方Project 3Mas 13+ FB 8.51 1003291SSS 22634492,263,449 8.51% -91.49-91.49% 10032911,003,291 -4209-4,209 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 SSS FB Master 0
Calamity FortuneCalamity Fortune 東方Project 3Mas 13+ 66.76 974285S 20802362,080,236 66.76% -33.24-33.24% 974285974,285 -15715-15,715 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 S - Master 0
Reach for the StarsReach for the Stars VARIETY 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 855386A 23063192,306,319 0.00% -100-100% 855386855,386 -44614-44,614 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 A - Master 0
DRAGONLADYDRAGONLADY VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 27.35 1002003SSS 22289412,228,941 27.35% -72.66-72.66% 10020031,002,003 -5497-5,497 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 SSS FB Master 0
CO5M1C R4ILR0ADCO5M1C R4ILR0AD VARIETY 3Mas 13+ FB FC 8.65 1008658SSS+ 20156432,015,643 8.65% -91.35-91.35% 10086581,008,658 0- ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
QZKago RequiemQZKago Requiem チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB 0.00不可 997018SS 23450292,345,029 0.00% -100-100% 997018997,018 -2982-2,982 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SS FB Master 0
宛城、炎上!!宛城、炎上!! チュウマイ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 998595SS 24853812,485,381 0.00% -100-100% 998595998,595 -1405-1,405 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SS - Master 0
足立オウフwwww足立オウフwwww チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB 0.00不可 1006053SSS 24884952,488,495 0.00% -100-100% 10060531,006,053 -1447-1,447 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SSS FB Master 0
Ai NovAi Nov オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FC 0.00不可 1006045SSS 22521942,252,194 0.00% -100-100% 10060451,006,045 -1455-1,455 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SSS FC Master 0
Ai DrewAi Drew オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 964352AAA 22830542,283,054 0.00% -100-100% 964352964,352 -5648-5,648 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 AAA - Master 0
See The LightSee The Light オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1007436SSS 29982862,998,286 0.00% -100-100% 10074361,007,436 -64-64 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SSS FB Master 0
A Day in the PatisserieA Day in the Patisserie オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB 0.00不可 1007355SSS 25731742,573,174 0.00% -100-100% 10073551,007,355 -145-145 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 SSS FB Master 0
ヒトリボッチサテライトヒトリボッチサテライト オンゲキ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 976715S 27318892,731,889 0.00% -100-100% 976715976,715 -13285-13,285 ||||||||| 2022-03-17 12:28:29 不可 S - Master 0
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!!AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! チュウマイ 2Exp 11 FB FC 123.93 1004629SSS 51006715,100,671 123.93% -76.07-76.07% 10046291,004,629 -2871-2,871 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 SSS FB+FC Expert 0
DolphikaDolphika オンゲキ 2Exp 10+ FB FC 194.60 1004186SSS 48298774,829,877 194.60% -5.41-5.41% 10041861,004,186 -3314-3,314 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 SSS FB+FC Expert 0
LAMIALAMIA オンゲキ 2Exp 13+ 0.00不可 1000200SSS 62794326,279,432 0.00% -100-100% 10002001,000,200 -7300-7,300 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS - Expert 0
ApolloApollo オンゲキ 2Exp 13+ FB 0.00不可 1007019SSS 20760212,076,021 0.00% -100-100% 10070191,007,019 -481-481 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS FB Expert 0
VARIETY 3Mas 14 80.83 992206SS 23549702,354,970 80.83% -19.18-19.18% 992206992,206 -7794-7,794 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 SS - Master 0
Sound ChimeraSound Chimera VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1001872SSS 26336112,633,611 0.00% -100-100% 10018721,001,872 -5628-5,628 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS FB Master 0
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!!AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 124.11 1006176SSS 53348675,334,867 124.11% -75.89-75.89% 10061761,006,176 -1324-1,324 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 SSS FB+FC+AB Master 0
Elusive EmotesElusive Emotes オンゲキ 3Mas 14 0.00不可 958197AAA 15617681,561,768 0.00% -100-100% 958197958,197 -11803-11,803 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 AAA - Master 0
BaqeelaBaqeela オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB 0.00不可 1006498SSS 27419932,741,993 0.00% -100-100% 10064981,006,498 -1002-1,002 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS FB Master 0
Mini skirtMini skirt オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 1000194SSS 57233325,723,332 0.00% -100-100% 10001941,000,194 -7306-7,306 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS - Master 0
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 niconico 10Lun 14 FB 0.00不可 1003350SSS 62117376,211,737 0.00% -100-100% 10033501,003,350 -4150-4,150 ||||||||| 2022-01-19 20:18:30 不可 SSS FB Lunatic 0