
■統計 / ▼新曲枠 / ▼ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠

平均値 対象曲数 Max Min 合計レート値
新曲枠 15.82 15 16.51 15.53 237.33
ベスト枠 16.08 30 16.46 15.92 482.48
リーセント枠 16.23 10 16.46 15.97 162.32
全対象曲 16.03 55 16.51 15.53 882.13

到達可能レーティング: 16.0892



▲統計 / ■新曲枠 / ▼ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 994,317 16.51 -83 -1,683 -9,583
THE TRiANGLE Mas 14.9 999,982 16.39 -18 -1,518
Cogito ergo sum Mas 14.7 998,781 16.13 -19 -1,219 -8,419
MEGALOVANIA Mas 14.4 1,000,152 15.91 -148 -1,348
淵底のグレイ・ユークロニア Mas 14.9 989,963 15.89 -37 -37 -10,637
冥乱幻舞 Mas 14.7 990,805 15.74 -195 -1,195 -10,545
シリウスの輝きのように Lun 14.9 986,612 15.73 -188 -1,388 -10,988
Blessed Rain Mas 14.4 996,158 15.70 -42 -1,842 -9,092
Synthesis. Mas 14.9 985,603 15.68 -197 -397 -10,997
Lazulis Gambit Exp 13.9 1,004,330 15.68 -20 -170
雪男 Mas 15.1 981,121 15.65 -79 -879 -10,879
Grayed Out-Antifront- Mas 14.3 996,654 15.63 -146 -1,346 -9,046
Event Horizon Mas 13.7 1,006,003 15.60 -147 -1,497
きゅうくらりん Mas 14.0 1,000,950 15.56 -100 -550
I Wanna Mas 15.2 976,730 15.53 -70 -1,270 -10,870

レーティング対象外 候補曲


Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Dramatic…? Mas 13.9 1,001,887 15.52 -0.01 -213
Lazulis Gambit Mas 15.2 976,122 15.50 -0.03 -678
And Revive The Melody Exp 13.8 1,002,919 15.49 -0.04 -681
スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時 Mas 13.8 1,002,135 15.44 -0.09 -1,465
偉大なる悪魔は実は大天使パトラちゃん様なのだ! Mas 13.7 1,002,148 15.34 -0.19 -2,952
Got more raves? -xiRemix- Exp 13.7 1,000,209 15.21 -0.32 -4,891
10pt8ion Mas 14.4 986,315 15.21 -0.32 -6,485
Got more raves? -xiRemix- Mas 14.8 978,118 15.20 -0.33 -6,682
雪男 Exp 13.6 1,001,391 15.19 -0.34 -5,209


▲統計 / ▲新曲枠 / ■ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Opfer Mas 15.0 999,375 16.46 -25 -625
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 Mas 15.1 996,016 16.40 -184 -1,984 -9,234
Stellar:Dream Mas 15.1 994,612 16.33 -188 -1,388 -9,588
Last Celebration Mas 14.7 1,000,011 16.20 -139 -1,489
Tempestissimo Mas 14.8 998,031 16.20 -169 -1,969 -8,719
the EmpErroR Mas 14.9 995,717 16.18 -83 -283 -9,233
Titania Mas 14.9 995,288 16.16 -112 -712 -9,362
Singularity Mas 14.8 997,301 16.16 -99 -699 -8,849
渦状銀河のシンフォニエッタ Mas 14.7 998,988 16.14 -12 -1,012 -8,362
Regulus Mas 15.2 988,053 16.10 -147 -1,947 -10,947
otorii INNOVATED -[i]3- Mas 14.7 997,985 16.09 -15 -15 -8,615
オンソクデイズ!! Mas 14.9 993,913 16.09 -87 -87 -9,687
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. Mas 14.9 993,491 16.07 -109 -509 -9,809
Recollect Lines Mas 15.7 977,240 16.06 -160 -760 -10,960
Selenadia Mas 15.4 982,914 16.04 -86 -1,086 -10,886
しとしとと Mas 14.8 994,969 16.04 -31 -1,031 -9,381
Don't Fight The Music Mas 14.9 992,746 16.03 -54 -1,254 -9,954
A Man In The Mirror Mas 14.8 994,389 16.01 -11 -1,611 -9,511
Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX) Mas 14.5 1,000,253 16.01 -47 -1,247
μάγια Mas 14.6 998,231 16.01 -169 -1,769 -8,669
POTENTIAL Mas 15.1 988,323 16.01 -77 -1,677 -10,877
エータ・ベータ・イータ Mas 14.6 998,197 16.00 -3 -1,803 -8,553
ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭 Mas 14.3 1,002,896 15.99 -104 -104
TiamaT:F minor Mas 14.8 993,715 15.98 -85 -285 -9,735
TEmPTaTiON Mas 14.5 999,681 15.98 -119 -319
光焔のラテラルアーク Mas 15.3 983,579 15.97 -21 -421 -10,821
Recollect Lines Exp 14.7 995,255 15.96 -145 -745 -9,395
Viyella's Scream Mas 14.9 991,074 15.95 -126 -926 -10,426
AstrøNotes. Mas 14.7 994,987 15.94 -13 -1,013 -9,363
Armageddon Mas 14.4 1,000,368 15.92 -82 -1,132

レーティング対象外 候補曲


Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
MEGATON BLAST Mas 14.6 996,126 15.90 -0.02 -474
Stargazing Dreamer Mas 14.3 1,001,506 15.90 -0.02 -444
Daredevil Glaive Mas 14.1 1,004,419 15.89 -0.03 -531
SUPER AMBULANCE Mas 14.7 993,808 15.89 -0.03 -792
Desperado Waltz Mas 14.4 999,553 15.87 -0.05 -897
Galaxy Blaster Mas 14.3 1,001,108 15.87 -0.05 -842
FLUFFY FLASH Mas 14.7 993,509 15.87 -0.05 -1,091
Viyella's Tears Mas 14.8 991,331 15.86 -0.06 -1,269
蜘蛛の糸 Mas 14.9 989,305 15.86 -0.06 -1,295
ミラージュ・フレイグランス Mas 14.5 997,017 15.85 -0.07 -1,583
BATTLE NO.1 Mas 14.6 994,871 15.84 -0.08 -1,729
RELOAD Mas 14.7 992,620 15.83 -0.09 -1,980
Invisible Frenzy Mas 14.9 988,382 15.81 -0.11 -2,218
MeteorSnow Mas 15.3 980,200 15.81 -0.11 -2,400
LAMIA Mas 15.4 977,918 15.79 -0.13 -2,682
Stardust:RAY Mas 15.2 981,801 15.79 -0.13 -2,799
μ3 Exp 14.3 999,674 15.78 -0.14 -2,276
QZKago Requiem Mas 14.8 989,557 15.77 -0.15 -3,043
Crimson Phoenix Mas 14.8 989,542 15.77 -0.15 -3,058
Re:End of a Dream Mas 14.8 989,387 15.76 -0.16 -3,213
Aenbharr Mas 14.5 994,904 15.74 -0.18 -3,696
Grievous Lady Mas 14.4 996,857 15.74 -0.18 -3,593
Falsum Atlantis. Mas 14.9 986,504 15.72 -0.20 -4,096
Starlight★Limited Mas 14.3 998,417 15.72 -0.20 -3,533
BREaK! BREaK! BREaK! Mas 14.5 994,372 15.71 -0.21 -4,228
8OROCHI Mas 14.5 994,081 15.70 -0.22 -4,519
FREEDOM DiVE Mas 14.9 986,143 15.70 -0.22 -4,457
SILENT BLUE Mas 14.1 1,001,329 15.68 -0.24 -3,621
MAGNETAR GIRL Mas 14.5 993,575 15.67 -0.25 -5,025
MarbleBlue. Mas 15.3 977,405 15.67 -0.25 -5,195
μ3 Mas 15.6 971,208 15.66 -0.26 -5,392
Everything Will Freeze Mas 14.4 995,048 15.65 -0.27 -5,402
宿星審判 Mas 15.1 981,034 15.65 -0.27 -5,566
Cult future Mas 14.9 984,807 15.64 -0.28 -5,793
Elemental Ethnic Mas 14.7 988,811 15.64 -0.28 -5,789
Alea jacta est! Mas 14.7 988,647 15.63 -0.29 -5,953
Zitronectar Mas 14.5 992,776 15.63 -0.29 -5,824
larva Mas 14.7 988,526 15.62 -0.30 -6,074
Amphisbaena Mas 14.4 994,314 15.61 -0.31 -6,136
World Vanquisher Mas 14.6 989,820 15.59 -0.33 -6,780
Final Flash Flight Mas 14.7 987,960 15.59 -0.33 -6,640
Blows Up Everything Mas 14.1 999,939 15.59 -0.33 -5,011
FLUFFY FLASH (C-Show & Maozon Remix) Mas 14.5 991,855 15.59 -0.33 -6,745
ω4 Mas 15.0 981,726 15.58 -0.34 -6,874
R'N'R Monsta Mas 14.0 1,001,302 15.58 -0.34 -5,148
Ai C Mas 14.8 985,687 15.58 -0.34 -6,913
FestA of PandemoniuM Mas 15.4 973,694 15.58 -0.34 -6,906
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- Mas 14.7 987,321 15.56 -0.36 -7,279
FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix) Mas 14.1 999,192 15.55 -0.37 -5,758
GODLINESS Mas 14.0 1,000,851 15.55 -0.37 -5,599
Hainuwele Mas 14.9 983,137 15.55 -0.37 -7,463
GAME:CHANGER Mas 14.9 982,971 15.54 -0.38 -7,629
Diamond Dust Mas 14.9 982,712 15.53 -0.39 -7,888
初音ミクの激唱 Mas 14.2 996,290 15.51 -0.41 -7,160
エンドマークに希望と涙を添えて Mas 14.2 995,929 15.49 -0.43 -7,521
脳天直撃 Mas 15.1 977,526 15.47 -0.45 -9,074
宛城、炎上!! Mas 14.4 991,401 15.47 -0.45 -9,049
ゼーレンヴァンデルング Mas 14.8 983,526 15.47 -0.45 -9,074
Halcyon Lun 14.8 983,332 15.46 -0.46 -9,268
Xevel Mas 14.7 985,259 15.46 -0.46 -9,341
初音ミクの激唱 Lun 14.2 994,990 15.44 -0.48 -8,460
Magical Panic Adventure Mas 15.1 976,981 15.44 -0.48 -9,619
GEOMETRIC DANCE Mas 14.6 986,617 15.43 -0.49 -9,983
Climax Mas 14.5 988,698 15.43 -0.49 -9,902
光焔のラテラルアーク Exp 14.0 998,699 15.43 -0.49 -7,751
月詠に鳴る Mas 14.5 988,665 15.43 -0.49 -9,935
Dazzle hop Mas 14.0 998,382 15.41 -0.51 -8,068
GOODRAGE Mas 14.0 998,021 15.40 -0.52 -8,429
ヒトリボッチサテライト Mas 14.5 988,159 15.40 -0.52 -10,441
Scythe of Death Mas 15.0 978,181 15.40 -0.52 -10,419
YURUSHITE Mas 14.8 981,277 15.36 -0.56 -11,323
End Time Mas 14.7 983,327 15.36 -0.56 -11,273
Satori ~3rd EyEs (2020 Recall) Mas 14.2 993,085 15.35 -0.57 -10,365
Starry Colors Mas 14.4 989,112 15.35 -0.57 -11,338
TECHNOPOLIS 2085 Mas 14.4 988,901 15.34 -0.58 -11,549
Knight Rider Mas 14.1 994,714 15.33 -0.59 -10,236
雷切-RAIKIRI- Mas 14.4 987,176 15.25 -0.67 -13,274
Baqeela (Creepy Remix) Mas 14.4 987,145 15.25 -0.67 -13,305
Caliburne ~Story of the Legendary sword~ Mas 14.6 983,022 15.25 -0.67 -13,578
P!P!P!P!がおー!! Lun 14.7 980,391 15.21 -0.71 -14,209
Garakuta Doll Play Mas 14.3 988,242 15.21 -0.71 -13,708
folern Mas 14.3 988,099 15.20 -0.72 -13,851
7thSense Mas 14.0 993,944 15.19 -0.73 -12,506
Sound Chimera Mas 14.2 989,242 15.16 -0.76 -14,208
Love & Justice Mas 14.7 979,319 15.16 -0.76 -15,281
INTERNET YAMERO Mas 14.1 991,376 15.16 -0.76 -13,574
Daydreama Mas 14.1 990,915 15.14 -0.78 -14,035
Adverse Gaff Mas 14.7 978,900 15.14 -0.78 -15,700
私たち、四季を遊ぶんです!! Lun 14.2 988,918 15.14 -0.78 -14,532
Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine) Mas 14.2 988,746 15.13 -0.79 -14,704
美夜月鏡 Mas 14.4 984,748 15.13 -0.79 -15,702
Everlasting Today Mas 14.0 992,057 15.10 -0.82 -14,393
Malicious Mischance Mas 14.3 986,189 15.10 -0.82 -15,761
FestA of PandemoniuM Exp 14.0 991,423 15.07 -0.85 -15,027
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! Lun 15.0 971,081 15.05 -0.87 -17,519
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix) Mas 14.1 989,159 15.05 -0.87 -15,791
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix) Mas 14.0 990,746 15.03 -0.89 -15,704
其のエメラルドを見よ Mas 14.7 976,128 15.00 -0.92 -18,472
MANIERA REMASTERED Mas 14.9 971,312 14.96 -0.96 -19,288
Shamshir -rough Pt.2- Mas 14.8 972,740 14.93 -0.99 -19,860
felys -final remix- Mas 14.1 986,561 14.92 -1.00 -18,389


▲統計 / ▲新曲枠 / ▲ベスト枠 / ■リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate 最大レートとの差
Title Dif Lv TS Rate 最大レートとの差
Opfer Mas 15.0 999,375 16.46 -0.05
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 992,879 16.44 -0.07
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 992,272 16.41 -0.10
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 992,116 16.40 -0.11
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 990,106 16.30 -0.21
And Revive The Melody Mas 15.3 987,316 16.16 -0.35
Stellar:Dream Mas 15.1 991,337 16.16 -0.35
Selenadia Mas 15.4 982,294 16.01 -0.50
POTENTIAL Mas 15.1 988,323 16.01 -0.50
光焔のラテラルアーク Mas 15.3 983,579 15.97 -0.54