プレイヤーネーム N.
トロフィー A Man In The Mirror
レベル 375
バトルポイント 16206
レーティング 16.63 (MAX 16.63)
マニー 599639 (Total 672609)
トータルプレイ 3942


最終更新: 2025-01-30 10:29:02 (?%表示は未集計です)


Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
Virtual to LIVEVirtual to LIVE 2Exp 46.82% 725.51% 678.69% 6.45% 2023-09-01
ハッピーエンドをはじめからハッピーエンドをはじめから 2Exp 40.12% 718.58% 678.46% 5.58% 2023-09-01
人生リセットボタン人生リセットボタン 2Exp 96.34% 845.99% 749.65% 11.38% 2023-09-01
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 2Exp 21.48% 873.99% 852.51% 2.45% 2023-09-01
初音ミクの消失初音ミクの消失 2Exp 56.02% 836.49% 780.47% 6.69% 2023-09-01
ラクガキストラクガキスト 2Exp 102.31% 788.54% 686.23% 12.97% 2023-09-01
ギガンティックO.T.NギガンティックO.T.N 2Exp 36.50% 809.55% 773.05% 4.50% 2023-09-01
ベノムベノム 2Exp 119.45% 846.01% 726.56% 14.11% 2023-09-01
テオテオ 2Exp 110.56% 854.91% 744.35% 12.93% 2023-09-01
セツナトリップセツナトリップ 2Exp 10.09% 845.06% 834.97% 1.19% 2023-09-01
グリーンライツ・セレナーデグリーンライツ・セレナーデ 2Exp 119.82% 841.52% 721.70% 14.23% 2023-09-01
バイオレンストリガーバイオレンストリガー 2Exp 199.83% 850.54% 650.71% 23.49% 2023-09-01
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (xi Remix) 2Exp 19.54% 781.67% 762.13% 2.49% 2023-09-01
サドマミホリックサドマミホリック 2Exp 94.34% 788.51% 694.17% 11.96% 2023-09-01
疾走あんさんぶる疾走あんさんぶる 2Exp 161.72% 836.07% 674.35% 19.34% 2023-09-01
Bad Apple!! feat.nomico (Camellia’s “Bad Psy” Remix)Bad Apple!! feat.nomico (Camellia’s “Bad Psy” Remix) 2Exp 188.57% 799.59% 611.02% 23.58% 2023-09-01
聖少女サクリファイス聖少女サクリファイス 2Exp 132.55% 823.50% 690.95% 16.09% 2023-09-01
Scream out! -音華鏡 Re:BREAK-Scream out! -音華鏡 Re:BREAK- 2Exp 80.08% 846.02% 765.94% 9.46% 2023-09-01
Calamity FortuneCalamity Fortune 2Exp 92.15% 864.05% 771.90% 10.66% 2023-09-01
Malicious MischanceMalicious Mischance 2Exp 73.61% 708.40% 634.79% 10.39% 2023-09-01
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE 2Exp 117.60% 729.44% 611.84% 16.12% 2023-09-01
Grievous LadyGrievous Lady 2Exp 172.89% 778.58% 605.69% 22.20% 2023-09-01
迷える音色は恋の唄迷える音色は恋の唄 2Exp 132.02% 813.56% 681.54% 16.22% 2023-09-01
Crimson PhoenixCrimson Phoenix 2Exp 51.67% 746.50% 694.83% 6.92% 2023-09-01
ベースラインやってる?笑ベースラインやってる?笑 2Exp 140.66% 837.06% 696.40% 16.80% 2023-09-01
Sound ChimeraSound Chimera 2Exp 78.54% 753.43% 674.89% 10.42% 2023-09-01
felys -final remix-felys -final remix- 2Exp 98.97% 859.70% 760.73% 11.51% 2023-09-01
BBBLOW -rebuild-BBBLOW -rebuild- 2Exp 31.10% 711.52% 680.42% 4.37% 2023-09-01
AirAir 2Exp 59.09% 753.52% 694.43% 7.84% 2023-09-01
DRAGONLADYDRAGONLADY 2Exp 169.49% 827.98% 658.49% 20.47% 2023-09-01
Love & JusticeLove & Justice 2Exp 108.18% 715.65% 607.47% 15.11% 2023-09-01
MANIERA REMASTEREDMANIERA REMASTERED 2Exp 171.27% 816.47% 645.20% 20.97% 2023-09-01
AltaleAltale 2Exp 64.79% 725.77% 660.98% 8.92% 2023-09-01
Re:End of a DreamRe:End of a Dream 2Exp 104.06% 782.16% 678.10% 13.30% 2023-09-01
Shamshir -rough Pt.2-Shamshir -rough Pt.2- 2Exp 81.07% 760.61% 679.54% 10.65% 2023-09-01
2Exp 197.40% 873.87% 676.47% 22.58% 2023-09-01
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! 2Exp 23.06% 835.92% 812.86% 2.75% 2023-09-01
雷切-RAIKIRI-雷切-RAIKIRI- 2Exp 99.21% 708.51% 609.30% 14.00% 2023-09-01
larvalarva 2Exp 71.44% 673.53% 602.09% 10.60% 2023-09-01
QZKago RequiemQZKago Requiem 2Exp 133.96% 743.60% 609.64% 18.01% 2023-09-01
四月の雨四月の雨 2Exp 166.03% 850.48% 684.45% 19.52% 2023-09-01
Secret SleuthSecret Sleuth 2Exp 163.36% 771.55% 608.19% 21.17% 2023-09-01
TEmPTaTiONTEmPTaTiON 2Exp 5.20% 684.58% 679.38% 0.75% 2023-09-01
Change Our MIRAI! (Our 7 Lights)Change Our MIRAI! (Our 7 Lights) 2Exp 100.68% 827.08% 726.40% 12.17% 2023-09-01
Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX)Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX) 2Exp 68.86% 673.56% 604.70% 10.22% 2023-09-01
ClimaxClimax 2Exp 8.31% 683.51% 675.20% 1.21% 2023-09-01
シャッキーーン!!シャッキーーン!! 2Exp 54.73% 675.96% 621.23% 8.09% 2023-09-01
Last CelebrationLast Celebration 2Exp 119.26% 722.64% 603.38% 16.50% 2023-09-01
Splash Dance!!Splash Dance!! 2Exp 96.94% 840.54% 743.60% 11.53% 2023-09-01
RED to REDRED to RED 2Exp 145.85% 788.48% 642.63% 18.49% 2023-09-01
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream 2Exp 111.18% 753.47% 642.29% 14.75% 2023-09-01
DolphikaDolphika 2Exp 40.93% 823.54% 782.61% 4.97% 2023-09-01
MEGATON BLASTMEGATON BLAST 2Exp 142.39% 823.42% 681.03% 17.29% 2023-09-01
PinqPiq (xovevox Remix)PinqPiq (xovevox Remix) 2Exp 214.91% 817.98% 603.07% 26.27% 2023-09-01
colorful transparencycolorful transparency 2Exp 90.48% 694.59% 604.11% 13.02% 2023-09-01
Stargazing DreamerStargazing Dreamer 2Exp 5.60% 686.60% 681.00% 0.81% 2023-09-01
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz 2Exp 41.53% 718.47% 676.94% 5.78% 2023-09-01
SingularitySingularity 2Exp 172.57% 835.87% 663.30% 20.64% 2023-09-01
YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix)YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix) 2Exp 98.96% 543.74% 444.78% 18.19% 2023-09-09
神威神威 2Exp 242.63% 673.44% 430.81% 36.02% 2023-09-16
Stellar:DreamStellar:Dream 2Exp 100.42% 438.61% 338.19% 22.89% 2024-01-13
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 2Exp 63.97% 403.06% 339.09% 15.87% 2024-01-13
光焔のラテラルアーク光焔のラテラルアーク 2Exp 64.57% 402.98% 338.41% 16.02% 2024-01-20
And Revive The MelodyAnd Revive The Melody 2Exp 82.00% 378.72% 296.72% 21.65% 2024-03-10
A Man In The MirrorA Man In The Mirror 2Exp 318.46% 613.54% 295.08% 51.90% 2024-03-20
THE TRiANGLETHE TRiANGLE 2Exp 104.11% 398.47% 294.36% 26.12% 2024-03-25
FragranceFragrance 2Exp 548.45% 866.05% 317.60% 63.32% 2024-04-01
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines 2Exp 64.06% 354.02% 289.96% 18.09% 2024-04-03
μ3μ3 2Exp 88.57% 354.09% 265.52% 25.01% 2024-04-07
SelenadiaSelenadia 2Exp 57.15% 359.07% 301.92% 15.91% 2024-04-09