
■統計 / ▼新曲枠 / ▼ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠

平均値 対象曲数 Max Min 合計レート値
新曲枠 15.63 15 15.85 15.50 234.58
ベスト枠 15.64 30 15.79 15.56 469.21
リーセント枠 15.67 10 15.85 15.49 156.7
全対象曲 15.64 55 15.85 15.49 860.49

到達可能レーティング: 15.6779



▲統計 / ■新曲枠 / ▼ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Grayed Out-Antifront- Mas 14.3 1,000,801 15.85 -99 -699
サンダーレスキュー! Mas 13.9 1,005,660 15.77 -40 -340
Dramatic…? Mas 13.9 1,005,089 15.73 -11 -911
恋のイリュージョニスタ Mas 13.7 1,008,268 15.70
Ouvertüre Mas 14.0 1,002,873 15.69 -127 -127
きゅうくらりん Mas 14.0 1,002,766 15.68 -84 -234
偉大なる悪魔は実は大天使パトラちゃん様なのだ! Mas 13.7 1,007,335 15.68 -15 -165
孤独の果て Mas 13.7 1,006,631 15.64 -119 -869
Event Horizon Mas 13.7 1,005,720 15.58 -130 -280
Faith in Expression Mas 13.8 1,004,316 15.58 -34 -184
キライラ Mas 14.4 993,408 15.57 -192 -592 -9,892
MEGALOVANIA Mas 14.4 993,229 15.56 -171 -771 -9,921
はっぴ~しゅ~てぃんぐすた~ Mas 13.6 1,006,604 15.54 -146 -896
Lazulis Gambit Exp 13.9 1,001,692 15.51 -108 -1,308
eden Exp 13.5 1,008,013 15.50

レーティング対象外 候補曲


Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Small Cloud Sugar Candy Mas 13.8 1,003,072 15.50 0.00 -78
And Revive The Melody Exp 13.8 1,002,838 15.48 -0.02 -312
風仁雷仁 Mas 13.8 1,002,570 15.47 -0.03 -580
ツムギボシ(starring オンゲキシューターズ) Mas 13.7 1,004,152 15.47 -0.03 -498
Livmetarryr Mas 13.9 1,000,796 15.45 -0.05 -854
Lethal Dose Mas 13.9 1,000,610 15.44 -0.06 -1,040
群青シグナル Mas 14.0 998,297 15.41 -0.09 -1,853
雪男 Exp 13.6 1,004,251 15.38 -0.12 -1,899
スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時 Mas 13.8 1,001,075 15.37 -0.13 -2,075
ずんだパーリナイ Mas 13.6 1,004,088 15.37 -0.13 -2,062
ガチ恋ラビリンス Mas 13.8 1,000,936 15.36 -0.14 -2,214
On your mark (104期 Ver.) Mas 13.7 1,002,311 15.35 -0.15 -2,339
Sulfur Mas 14.4 988,817 15.34 -0.16 -3,383
Got more raves? -xiRemix- Exp 13.7 1,001,010 15.26 -0.24 -3,640
アリアの最強しもべ計画♡ Mas 14.1 993,138 15.25 -0.25 -5,062
.locusignore Mas 14.3 988,944 15.24 -0.26 -5,256
シリウスの輝きのように Lun 14.9 976,334 15.21 -0.29 -5,866
ヒアソビ Mas 14.0 993,266 15.16 -0.34 -6,884
デアエ・エクス・マキナ! Mas 14.5 981,213 15.06 -0.44 -8,987
Megameteor Mas 14.3 981,314 14.86 -0.64 -12,886
最強STRONGER Mas 14.6 974,643 14.83 -0.67 -13,557


▲統計 / ▲新曲枠 / ■ベスト枠 / ▼リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
Title Dif Lv TS Rate +0.01 →0.x0 +0.55
INTERNET YAMERO Mas 14.1 1,002,973 15.79 -27 -27
Tricky Treat!!! Mas 14.2 1,001,326 15.78 -24 -174
Cyaegha Mas 13.9 1,005,098 15.73 -2 -902
アンチグラビティ・ガール Mas 13.8 1,006,493 15.73 -107 -1,007
Singularity Mas 14.1 1,001,786 15.71 -14 -1,214
Perfect Shining!! Lun 13.8 1,006,025 15.70 -125 -1,475
The wheel to the right Mas 13.7 1,008,694 15.70
Candy Tall Woman Mas 13.7 1,007,679 15.70
霧の書斎 Mas 14.4 995,517 15.67 -83 -483 -9,283
オートファジー Mas 13.8 1,005,626 15.67 -74 -374
ニニ Mas 13.8 1,005,412 15.66 -138 -588
シャッキーーン!! Mas 14.0 1,002,364 15.65 -36 -636
宙の隣 Mas 14.1 1,000,750 15.65 -150 -750
Starry Colors Mas 14.4 994,617 15.63 -183 -1,383 -9,583
レータイスパークEx Mas 14.1 1,000,538 15.63 -62 -962
Starring Stars Lun 13.7 1,006,369 15.62 -81 -1,131
パラジクロロベンゼン Mas 13.9 1,003,395 15.62 -55 -1,105
僕たちの旅とエピローグ。 Mas 13.7 1,006,044 15.60 -106 -1,456
宣誓センセーション Mas 14.0 1,001,623 15.60 -27 -1,377
四月の雨 Mas 13.9 1,002,920 15.59 -80 -80
Dement ~after legend~ Mas 13.8 1,004,408 15.59 -92 -92
Regulus Exp 13.7 1,005,864 15.59 -136 -136
最強 the サマータイム!!!!! Lun 13.6 1,007,269 15.58 -81 -231
Doll Judgment Mas 13.7 1,005,725 15.58 -125 -275
Knocking Harder Mas 14.1 999,729 15.58 -71 -271
FestA of PandemoniuM Exp 14.0 1,001,245 15.58 -105 -255
Rainbow Rush Story Mas 13.6 1,007,345 15.58 -5 -155
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix) Mas 14.1 999,579 15.57 -21 -421
GODLINESS Mas 14.0 1,001,082 15.57 -118 -418
Knight Rider Mas 14.1 999,329 15.56 -71 -671

レーティング対象外 候補曲


Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Title Dif Lv TS Rate レート差 必要スコア
Honey Bear Mas 13.7 1,005,296 15.55 -0.01 -254
宛城、炎上!! Mas 14.4 993,097 15.55 -0.01 -303
YO-KAI Disco Mas 13.8 1,003,834 15.55 -0.01 -216
Scythe of Death Exp 13.8 1,003,708 15.54 -0.02 -342
Mas 14.2 996,548 15.52 -0.04 -852
C & B Mas 13.9 1,001,660 15.51 -0.05 -890
Galaxy Blaster Mas 14.3 994,175 15.50 -0.06 -1,225
いちげき!のテーマ Mas 13.8 1,003,004 15.50 -0.06 -1,046
星界ちゃんと可不ちゃんのおつかい合騒曲 Mas 14.0 1,000,048 15.50 -0.06 -1,002
つっぱれ!にゃんきー魂 Mas 13.9 1,001,526 15.50 -0.06 -1,024
藍の華 Mas 13.7 1,004,380 15.49 -0.07 -1,170
U ARE Mas 13.8 1,002,876 15.49 -0.07 -1,174
Mizutama-Tripster Mas 13.8 1,002,972 15.49 -0.07 -1,078
Suspiro Mas 13.9 1,001,485 15.49 -0.07 -1,065
Selenadia Exp 13.9 1,001,364 15.49 -0.07 -1,186
まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! Lun 14.5 989,783 15.48 -0.08 -1,617
Summer is over Mas 13.8 1,002,703 15.48 -0.08 -1,347
Mini skirt Mas 13.9 1,001,177 15.47 -0.09 -1,373
Last Kingdom Mas 13.9 1,001,086 15.47 -0.09 -1,464
ゲーミングポーラーベア Mas 13.8 1,002,559 15.47 -0.09 -1,491
HONEY-Q Mas 13.7 1,003,981 15.46 -0.10 -1,569
卑怯戦隊うろたんだー Mas 13.8 1,002,445 15.46 -0.10 -1,605
本能的 Survivor Lun 13.9 1,000,898 15.45 -0.11 -1,652
Secret Sleuth Mas 13.8 1,002,301 15.45 -0.11 -1,749
Seventeen Feels Mas 13.9 1,000,788 15.45 -0.11 -1,762
with U Mas 13.8 1,002,334 15.45 -0.11 -1,716
夜咄ディセイブ Mas 13.7 1,003,712 15.44 -0.12 -1,838
みんな Happy!! Lun 13.8 1,001,976 15.43 -0.13 -2,074
LAMIA Exp 13.8 1,002,018 15.43 -0.13 -2,032
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 Exp 13.8 1,001,998 15.43 -0.13 -2,052
FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix) Mas 14.1 996,533 15.42 -0.14 -2,867
最っ高のエンタメだ!! Mas 13.8 1,001,887 15.42 -0.14 -2,163
ぶいちゅっばの歌 Mas 13.7 1,003,418 15.42 -0.14 -2,132
蜘蛛の糸 Exp 13.7 1,003,350 15.42 -0.14 -2,200
Stellar:Dream Exp 13.7 1,003,324 15.42 -0.14 -2,226
BOKUTO Mas 13.6 1,004,721 15.41 -0.15 -2,329
A Day in the Patisserie Mas 13.8 1,001,729 15.41 -0.15 -2,321
居並ぶ穀物と溜息まじりの運送屋 Mas 13.6 1,004,764 15.41 -0.15 -2,286
疾走あんさんぶる Mas 13.6 1,004,536 15.40 -0.16 -2,514
Sparkle Mas 13.8 1,001,503 15.40 -0.16 -2,547
Cutter Mas 13.6 1,004,596 15.40 -0.16 -2,454
Opfer Exp 13.6 1,004,401 15.39 -0.17 -2,649
GEOMETRIC DANCE Mas 14.6 985,854 15.39 -0.17 -3,546
Duello Mas 13.8 1,001,463 15.39 -0.17 -2,587
μ3 Exp 14.3 991,850 15.39 -0.17 -3,550
Dazzle hop Mas 14.0 997,771 15.38 -0.18 -3,279
All Right! Mas 13.6 1,004,308 15.38 -0.18 -2,742
CHOCOLATE BOMB!!!! Mas 13.8 1,001,010 15.36 -0.20 -3,040
ICEBURN Mas 14.0 997,047 15.35 -0.21 -4,003
初音ミクの消失 Mas 13.7 1,002,129 15.34 -0.22 -3,421
SILENT BLUE Mas 14.1 994,936 15.34 -0.22 -4,464
カナリア Mas 14.1 994,850 15.34 -0.22 -4,550
まりもとおもちゃ箱 Mas 13.8 1,000,734 15.34 -0.22 -3,316
L'épilogue Mas 13.9 998,903 15.34 -0.22 -3,647
夢花火 Mas 13.9 998,880 15.34 -0.22 -3,670
snooze Mas 13.9 998,877 15.34 -0.22 -3,673
Here We Go Lun 13.9 998,669 15.33 -0.23 -3,881
DAWNBREAKER Mas 13.6 1,003,453 15.33 -0.23 -3,597
BBBLOW -rebuild- Mas 14.1 994,752 15.33 -0.23 -4,648
断罪は遍く人間の元に Mas 13.8 1,000,574 15.33 -0.23 -3,476
Princesses Holiday Mas 14.0 996,729 15.33 -0.23 -4,321
Maqrite Mas 13.6 1,003,313 15.32 -0.24 -3,737
GOODRAGE Mas 14.0 996,593 15.32 -0.24 -4,457
ウサテイ Mas 13.7 1,001,864 15.32 -0.24 -3,686
初音天地開闢神話 Mas 13.9 998,541 15.32 -0.24 -4,009
せーので跳べって言ってんの! Mas 13.7 1,001,900 15.32 -0.24 -3,650
ユメキキョウ Mas 13.6 1,003,395 15.32 -0.24 -3,655
Ai Nov Mas 13.9 998,352 15.31 -0.25 -4,198
Everlasting Today Mas 14.0 996,363 15.31 -0.25 -4,687
Pastel Sprinkles Mas 13.8 1,000,235 15.31 -0.25 -3,815
Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. Mas 13.8 1,000,186 15.31 -0.25 -3,864
どうぶつ☆パラダイス Lun 13.6 1,003,030 15.30 -0.26 -4,020
Touch and Go Mas 13.7 1,001,479 15.29 -0.27 -4,071
Lazy Addiction Mas 13.7 1,001,412 15.29 -0.27 -4,138
Vibes 2k20 Mas 13.9 997,949 15.29 -0.27 -4,601
遺伝子レベル∞スパイラル Mas 13.9 997,862 15.29 -0.27 -4,688
Calamity Fortune Mas 13.7 1,001,203 15.28 -0.28 -4,347
colorful transparency Mas 13.9 997,724 15.28 -0.28 -4,826
Oshama Scramble! Mas 13.7 1,001,150 15.27 -0.29 -4,400
Reach for the Stars Mas 13.8 999,437 15.27 -0.29 -4,613
Imitation:Loud Lounge Mas 13.7 1,001,144 15.27 -0.29 -4,406
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! Mas 13.7 1,001,008 15.26 -0.30 -4,542
Dreadnought Mas 13.8 999,328 15.26 -0.30 -4,722
I got a gig tonight! Mas 13.7 1,000,918 15.26 -0.30 -4,632
HEAVEN'S RAVE Mas 13.8 999,247 15.26 -0.30 -4,803
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (かめりあ’s“ワンス・アポン・ア・ナイト”Remix) Mas 13.9 997,063 15.25 -0.31 -5,487
B WiZ U Mas 14.2 991,043 15.25 -0.31 -6,357
WE'RE BACK!! Mas 14.4 986,972 15.24 -0.32 -6,428
初音ミクの激唱 Lun 14.2 990,667 15.23 -0.33 -6,733
GAME IS LIFE Lun 13.9 996,680 15.23 -0.33 -5,870
Baqeela Mas 13.9 996,669 15.23 -0.33 -5,881
裏表ラバーズ Mas 13.7 1,000,573 15.23 -0.33 -4,977
Vibes 2k20 (owl*aging remix) Mas 13.8 998,612 15.23 -0.33 -5,438
Electric Emotion Mas 13.9 996,719 15.23 -0.33 -5,831
SWEET SHAKE!! Lun 13.8 998,516 15.22 -0.34 -5,534
RED to RED Mas 13.7 1,000,321 15.22 -0.34 -5,229
あ・り・ま・す・か? Mas 14.2 990,531 15.22 -0.34 -6,869
Azucar Mas 14.0 994,431 15.22 -0.34 -6,619
Zest of Blue Lun 13.6 1,001,660 15.21 -0.35 -5,390
カミサマネジマキ Mas 13.7 1,000,150 15.21 -0.35 -5,400
撥条少女時計 Mas 13.8 998,365 15.21 -0.35 -5,685
とびだせ!TO THE COSMIC!! Mas 13.6 1,001,706 15.21 -0.35 -5,344
宿星審判 Exp 13.6 1,001,771 15.21 -0.35 -5,279
Prominence Mas 14.6 982,233 15.21 -0.35 -7,167
ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX Mas 14.0 994,075 15.20 -0.36 -6,975
Everything Will Freeze Mas 14.4 986,085 15.20 -0.36 -7,315
Rule the World!! Lun 14.1 991,853 15.19 -0.37 -7,547
So much loving you★ -DIVA Edit- Mas 13.7 999,864 15.19 -0.37 -5,686
A Man In The Mirror Exp 13.6 1,001,223 15.18 -0.38 -5,827
迷える音色は恋の唄 Mas 13.6 1,001,137 15.17 -0.39 -5,913
Invisible Frenzy Exp 13.6 1,001,167 15.17 -0.39 -5,883
閃鋼のブリューナク Mas 13.9 995,070 15.15 -0.41 -7,480
ギガンティックO.T.N Mas 13.8 997,109 15.15 -0.41 -6,941
Daredevil Glaive Mas 14.1 991,115 15.15 -0.41 -8,285
足立オウフwwww Mas 13.8 997,028 15.15 -0.41 -7,022
Diamond Dust Exp 13.6 1,000,829 15.15 -0.41 -6,221
Blows Up Everything Mas 14.1 991,022 15.15 -0.41 -8,378
ここからはじまるプロローグ。 Mas 14.0 993,173 15.15 -0.41 -7,877
TECHNOPOLIS 2085 Mas 14.4 985,119 15.15 -0.41 -8,281
Apollo Exp 13.7 998,882 15.14 -0.42 -6,668
BABYLON Mas 13.9 994,860 15.14 -0.42 -7,690
YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix) Mas 14.1 990,867 15.14 -0.42 -8,533
Quon Mas 13.7 998,895 15.14 -0.42 -6,655
ロキ Lun 14.0 992,740 15.13 -0.43 -8,310
Lostwizz Mas 13.7 998,762 15.13 -0.43 -6,788
神々が恋した幻想郷 Mas 14.0 992,766 15.13 -0.43 -8,284
セガNET麻雀MJ -O.N.G.E.K.I. MIX- Lun 14.2 988,426 15.12 -0.44 -8,974
Death Scythe Mas 14.1 990,584 15.12 -0.44 -8,816
クイーンオブハート Mas 13.7 998,231 15.11 -0.45 -7,319
Destr0yer Mas 13.7 998,225 15.11 -0.45 -7,325
Trrricksters!! Mas 14.4 984,213 15.11 -0.45 -9,187
Apollo -onoken AxSwing Remix- Mas 13.8 996,369 15.11 -0.45 -7,681
エンドマークに希望と涙を添えて Mas 14.2 988,014 15.10 -0.46 -9,386
花と、雪と、ドラムンベース。 Mas 14.6 980,078 15.10 -0.46 -9,322
Ai Drew Mas 13.9 993,890 15.09 -0.47 -8,660
No Limit RED Force Lun 13.9 993,871 15.09 -0.47 -8,679
UTOPIA CRASH Mas 13.8 995,956 15.09 -0.47 -8,094
タイガーランペイジ Mas 13.9 993,989 15.09 -0.47 -8,561
夢を叶える場所 Mas 13.8 995,681 15.08 -0.48 -8,369
Genesis Mas 14.2 987,297 15.06 -0.50 -10,103
MEGATON BLAST (tpz Overcute Remix) Mas 13.8 995,327 15.06 -0.50 -8,723
ミラージュ・フレイグランス Mas 14.5 981,304 15.06 -0.50 -10,096
サイハテ Mas 13.8 995,262 15.06 -0.50 -8,788
エピトゥリカの祀 Mas 13.9 993,062 15.05 -0.51 -9,488
Starlight★Limited Mas 14.3 985,023 15.05 -0.51 -10,377
LUNA DIAL -Version X-SAKUYA- Mas 13.9 992,676 15.03 -0.53 -9,874
UTAKATA Lun 13.9 992,587 15.02 -0.54 -9,963
Trinity Departure Mas 13.9 992,561 15.02 -0.54 -9,989
光焔のラテラルアーク Exp 14.0 990,487 15.02 -0.54 -10,563
Say Goodbye Mas 13.6 998,344 15.01 -0.55 -8,706
Bad Apple!! feat.nomico (Camellia’s “Bad Psy” Remix) Mas 13.8 994,261 15.01 -0.55 -9,789
STARLIGHT TWILIGHT -GC edit- Mas 13.8 994,316 15.01 -0.55 -9,734
Elusive Emotes Mas 14.1 988,101 15.00 -0.56 -11,299
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ Lun 13.9 991,889 14.99 -0.57 -10,661
R'N'R Monsta Mas 14.0 989,893 14.99 -0.57 -11,157
Destiny Runner Mas 13.6 997,675 14.98 -0.58 -9,375
Löschen Mas 13.7 995,788 14.98 -0.58 -9,762
MAGNETAR GIRL Mas 14.5 979,538 14.97 -0.59 -11,862
YO-KAI Disco Lun 13.8 993,501 14.97 -0.59 -10,549
Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine) Mas 14.2 985,211 14.96 -0.60 -12,189
conflict Mas 13.8 992,857 14.94 -0.62 -11,193
Radiance Mas 13.6 996,853 14.94 -0.62 -10,197
MUSIC PЯAYER Mas 14.0 988,813 14.94 -0.62 -12,237
ヒバナ Lun 14.1 986,429 14.92 -0.64 -12,971
Ruler Count, Zero Mas 13.9 990,392 14.91 -0.65 -12,158
タテマエと本心の大乱闘 Lun 13.7 994,077 14.90 -0.66 -11,473
c.s.q.n. Mas 14.1 986,101 14.90 -0.66 -13,299
ロッキンピンクモンスター (豚乙女ランコVo Ver.) Mas 13.8 992,049 14.90 -0.66 -12,001
Stardust:RAY Exp 13.8 991,855 14.89 -0.67 -12,195
シル・ヴ・プレジデント Lun 13.6 995,445 14.87 -0.69 -11,605
3分ガール Mas 14.3 981,581 14.87 -0.69 -13,819
Climax Mas 14.5 977,260 14.86 -0.70 -14,140
VIIIbit Explorer Mas 14.6 975,115 14.85 -0.71 -14,285
CO5M1C R4ILR0AD Mas 13.8 990,902 14.84 -0.72 -13,148
ネ!コ! Lun 13.8 990,786 14.83 -0.73 -13,264
We Gonna Party Mas 13.8 990,711 14.83 -0.73 -13,339
Garakuta Doll Play Mas 14.3 980,591 14.82 -0.74 -14,809
音弾超人ゴリライザー Mas 14.2 982,592 14.82 -0.74 -14,808
アマツカミ Mas 13.8 990,364 14.81 -0.75 -13,686
8OROCHI Mas 14.5 975,863 14.79 -0.77 -15,537
Recollect Lines Exp 14.7 971,352 14.76 -0.80 -16,048
GranFatalité Lun 14.1 982,968 14.74 -0.82 -16,432
Transcend Lights Lun 14.2 980,805 14.74 -0.82 -16,595
トリドリ⇒モリモリ!Lovely fruits☆ Lun 14.2 980,736 14.73 -0.83 -16,664
Random Access Emotions Mas 13.6 992,588 14.72 -0.84 -14,462
Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX) Mas 14.5 973,843 14.69 -0.87 -17,557
アリサのテーマ Mas 13.6 990,599 14.62 -0.94 -16,451
ジングルベル Mas 14.0 982,062 14.60 -0.96 -18,988
BATTLE NO.1 Mas 14.6 970,130 14.60 -0.96 -19,270
ヒトリボッチサテライト Mas 14.5 971,409 14.57 -0.99 -19,991


▲統計 / ▲新曲枠 / ▲ベスト枠 / ■リーセント枠


Title Dif Lv TS Rate 最大レートとの差
Title Dif Lv TS Rate 最大レートとの差
Grayed Out-Antifront- Mas 14.3 1,000,801 15.85 0.00
INTERNET YAMERO Mas 14.1 1,002,773 15.78 -0.07
The wheel to the right Mas 13.7 1,008,485 15.70 -0.15
The wheel to the right Mas 13.7 1,007,483 15.69 -0.16
オートファジー Mas 13.8 1,005,626 15.67 -0.18
The wheel to the right Mas 13.7 1,006,827 15.65 -0.20
Grayed Out-Antifront- Mas 14.3 996,870 15.64 -0.21
孤独の果て Mas 13.7 1,006,631 15.64 -0.21
レータイスパークEx Mas 14.1 999,818 15.59 -0.26
Grayed Out-Antifront- Mas 14.3 993,865 15.49 -0.36