プレイヤーネーム ;∀;
トロフィー つむぎと二人で大人の階段を
レベル 1496
バトルポイント 16671
レーティング 16.59 (MAX 16.59)
マニー 389484 (Total 3965774)
トータルプレイ 16424


最終更新: 2025-01-29 06:52:07 (?%表示は未集計です)


Title Dif BS Top diff 達成度 Update
Title Dif BS Top diff 達成度 Update
End TimeEnd Time 2Exp 5,338,718 13,055,868 7,717,150 40.89% 2023-11-12
MANIERA REMASTEREDMANIERA REMASTERED 2Exp 4,868,056 11,868,416 7,000,360 41.02% 2023-11-12
Shamshir -rough Pt.2-Shamshir -rough Pt.2- 2Exp 5,052,540 12,320,972 7,268,432 41.01% 2023-11-12
QZKago RequiemQZKago Requiem 2Exp 5,079,669 12,377,743 7,298,074 41.04% 2023-11-12
TEmPTaTiONTEmPTaTiON 2Exp 5,311,496 12,941,943 7,630,447 41.04% 2023-11-12
Stargazing DreamerStargazing Dreamer 2Exp 5,350,495 12,943,241 7,592,746 41.34% 2023-11-12
INTERNET YAMEROINTERNET YAMERO 2Exp 5,108,736 12,378,316 7,269,580 41.27% 2023-11-18
こどものしくみこどものしくみ 2Exp 4,684,032 11,416,408 6,732,376 41.03% 2023-11-18
Destiny RunnerDestiny Runner 2Exp 5,092,472 12,377,107 7,284,635 41.14% 2023-11-18
Burning Steel InfernoBurning Steel Inferno 2Exp 4,744,217 11,529,350 6,785,133 41.15% 2023-11-18
Brain PowerBrain Power 2Exp 4,814,776 11,698,857 6,884,081 41.16% 2023-11-18
Imitation:Loud LoungeImitation:Loud Lounge 2Exp 5,205,033 12,715,248 7,510,215 40.94% 2023-11-18
fulgentefulgente 2Exp 4,738,547 11,528,976 6,790,429 41.10% 2023-11-18
JörqerJörqer 2Exp 4,782,243 11,585,491 6,803,248 41.28% 2023-11-18
STARTLINERSTARTLINER 2Exp 4,661,453 11,360,430 6,698,977 41.03% 2023-11-25
Jump!! Jump!! Jump!!Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! 2Exp 4,650,793 11,359,707 6,708,914 40.94% 2023-11-25
ネ!コ!ネ!コ! 2Exp 4,788,982 12,942,052 8,153,070 37.00% 2024-06-14
Connecting Happy!!Connecting Happy!! 2Exp 6,101,956 11,812,280 5,710,324 51.66% 2024-06-14
カナリアカナリア 2Exp 7,131,576 12,038,584 4,907,008 59.24% 2024-06-14
Seventeen FeelsSeventeen Feels 2Exp 9,555,329 12,943,388 3,388,059 73.82% 2024-06-14
乙女解剖乙女解剖 2Exp 8,518,179 11,642,512 3,124,333 73.16% 2024-06-14
カミサマネジマキカミサマネジマキ 2Exp 2,985,659 11,529,461 8,543,802 25.90% 2024-06-14
インビジブルインビジブル 2Exp 9,094,567 12,377,016 3,282,449 73.48% 2024-06-14
キミノヨゾラ哨戒班キミノヨゾラ哨戒班 2Exp 3,189,921 12,377,252 9,187,331 25.77% 2024-06-14
Seyana. ~何でも言うことを聞いてくれるアカネチャン~Seyana. ~何でも言うことを聞いてくれるアカネチャン~ 2Exp 8,887,852 11,858,693 2,970,841 74.95% 2024-06-14
アンハッピーリフレインアンハッピーリフレイン 2Exp 8,416,408 11,698,678 3,282,270 71.94% 2024-06-14
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 2Exp 4,007,322 11,303,979 7,296,657 35.45% 2024-06-14
初音ミクの消失初音ミクの消失 2Exp 4,367,894 11,812,078 7,444,184 36.98% 2024-06-14
ギガンティックO.T.NギガンティックO.T.N 2Exp 7,647,335 11,925,532 4,278,197 64.13% 2024-06-14
チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ!チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ! 2Exp 4,656,356 12,094,633 7,438,277 38.50% 2024-06-14
いーあるふぁんくらぶいーあるふぁんくらぶ 2Exp 3,125,360 11,699,035 8,573,675 26.71% 2024-06-14
幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい 2Exp 3,141,357 11,811,653 8,670,296 26.60% 2024-06-14
脳漿炸裂ガール脳漿炸裂ガール 2Exp 3,632,120 11,416,704 7,784,584 31.81% 2024-06-14
ナイト・オブ・ナイツナイト・オブ・ナイツ 2Exp 1,809,418 11,302,943 9,493,525 16.01% 2024-06-14
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S 2Exp 4,469,582 12,659,272 8,189,690 35.31% 2024-06-14
ウサテイウサテイ 2Exp 6,259,996 11,529,026 5,269,030 54.30% 2024-06-14
サドマミホリックサドマミホリック 2Exp 7,790,737 12,095,128 4,304,391 64.41% 2024-06-14
幻想のサテライト幻想のサテライト 2Exp 7,374,929 11,530,392 4,155,463 63.96% 2024-06-14
患部で止まってすぐ溶ける~狂気の優曇華院患部で止まってすぐ溶ける~狂気の優曇華院 2Exp 5,943,255 11,812,366 5,869,111 50.31% 2024-06-14
月に叢雲華に風月に叢雲華に風 2Exp 2,547,698 11,303,230 8,755,532 22.54% 2024-06-14
アクアテラリウムアクアテラリウム 2Exp 7,487,136 11,529,010 4,041,874 64.94% 2024-06-14
全力ハッピーライフ全力ハッピーライフ 2Exp 6,752,343 11,812,241 5,059,898 57.16% 2024-06-14
寒想桜寒想桜 2Exp 7,565,864 11,811,240 4,245,376 64.06% 2024-06-14
物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた 2Exp 8,455,067 12,094,576 3,639,509 69.91% 2024-06-14
エピクロスの虹はもう見えないエピクロスの虹はもう見えない 2Exp 7,787,447 13,507,354 5,719,907 57.65% 2024-06-14
銀のめぐり銀のめぐり 2Exp 9,317,410 12,942,622 3,625,212 71.99% 2024-06-14
妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!!妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!!! 2Exp 9,585,979 12,433,752 2,847,773 77.10% 2024-06-14
Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine)Imperishable Night 2006 (2016 Refine) 2Exp 8,936,965 13,226,151 4,289,186 67.57% 2024-06-14
Calamity FortuneCalamity Fortune 2Exp 3,976,406 11,304,613 7,328,207 35.18% 2024-06-14
Invisible FrenzyInvisible Frenzy 2Exp 10,884,324 14,072,112 3,187,788 77.35% 2024-06-14
Crimson PhoenixCrimson Phoenix 2Exp 9,441,369 12,434,296 2,992,927 75.93% 2024-06-14
In ChaosIn Chaos 2Exp 9,847,267 12,885,268 3,038,001 76.42% 2024-06-14
アリサのテーマアリサのテーマ 2Exp 7,491,268 11,529,538 4,038,270 64.97% 2024-06-14
神威神威 2Exp 4,424,696 12,943,335 8,518,639 34.19% 2024-06-14
檄!帝国華撃団檄!帝国華撃団 2Exp 3,344,109 11,303,548 7,959,439 29.58% 2024-06-14
FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix)FREEDOM DiVE (tpz Overcute Remix) 2Exp 7,514,995 12,376,622 4,861,627 60.72% 2024-06-14
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE 2Exp 7,283,598 12,491,134 5,207,536 58.31% 2024-06-14
DuelloDuello 2Exp 9,099,522 12,943,585 3,844,063 70.30% 2024-06-14
HalcyonHalcyon 2Exp 4,088,999 11,812,398 7,723,399 34.62% 2024-06-14
DreadnoughtDreadnought 2Exp 7,935,983 12,378,079 4,442,096 64.11% 2024-06-14
conflictconflict 2Exp 4,068,937 12,659,049 8,590,112 32.14% 2024-06-14
The FormulaThe Formula 2Exp 3,745,224 11,529,404 7,784,180 32.48% 2024-06-14
GOODRAGEGOODRAGE 2Exp 4,594,981 12,942,610 8,347,629 35.50% 2024-06-14
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! 2Exp 2,594,750 11,529,390 8,934,640 22.51% 2024-06-14
天火明命天火明命 2Exp 6,207,783 12,377,499 6,169,716 50.15% 2024-06-14
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!!AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! 2Exp 4,767,453 12,377,904 7,610,451 38.52% 2024-06-14
7thSense7thSense 2Exp 8,769,527 13,789,836 5,020,309 63.59% 2024-06-14
DragoonDragoon 2Exp 7,576,540 12,941,656 5,365,116 58.54% 2024-06-14
SILENT BLUESILENT BLUE 2Exp 8,342,975 13,507,748 5,164,773 61.76% 2024-06-14
the EmpErroRthe EmpErroR 2Exp 11,759,342 13,225,394 1,466,052 88.91% 2024-06-14
渦状銀河のシンフォニエッタ渦状銀河のシンフォニエッタ 2Exp 12,657,892 13,736,250 1,078,358 92.15% 2024-06-14
RegulusRegulus 2Exp 10,956,569 15,203,169 4,246,600 72.07% 2024-06-14
FragranceFragrance 2Exp 8,299,741 11,303,149 3,003,408 73.43% 2024-06-14
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ 2Exp 2,252,717 11,529,653 9,276,936 19.54% 2024-06-14
心象蜃気楼心象蜃気楼 2Exp 3,684,522 11,416,400 7,731,878 32.27% 2024-06-14
CyberozarCyberozar 2Exp 5,463,015 12,377,499 6,914,484 44.14% 2024-06-14
Gate of DoomGate of Doom 2Exp 4,522,314 12,377,760 7,855,446 36.54% 2024-06-14
PaqqinPaqqin 2Exp 5,537,331 12,377,086 6,839,755 44.74% 2024-06-14
We Gonna JourneyWe Gonna Journey 2Exp 5,777,562 12,942,237 7,164,675 44.64% 2024-06-14
怒槌怒槌 2Exp 7,917,947 14,072,885 6,154,938 56.26% 2024-06-14
混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ 2Exp 9,434,238 14,355,186 4,920,948 65.72% 2024-06-14
ロボットプラネットユートピアロボットプラネットユートピア 2Exp 6,965,086 13,225,012 6,259,926 52.67% 2024-06-14
時の冒険者時の冒険者 2Exp 7,950,980 13,225,063 5,274,083 60.12% 2024-06-14
光線チューニング光線チューニング 2Exp 6,841,381 11,416,272 4,574,891 59.93% 2024-06-14
World VanquisherWorld Vanquisher 2Exp 9,347,985 13,790,248 4,442,263 67.79% 2024-06-14
folernfolern 2Exp 9,500,370 13,790,556 4,290,186 68.89% 2024-06-14
蜘蛛の糸蜘蛛の糸 2Exp 13,430,428 15,090,212 1,659,784 89.00% 2024-06-14
And Revive The MelodyAnd Revive The Melody 2Exp 11,856,691 15,488,376 3,631,685 76.55% 2024-06-14
STEP BY STEPSTEP BY STEP 2Exp 11,455,119 12,433,543 978,424 92.13% 2024-06-14
最強 the サマータイム!!!!!最強 the サマータイム!!!!! 2Exp 5,957,642 11,416,341 5,458,699 52.19% 2024-06-14
Splash Dance!!Splash Dance!! 2Exp 7,390,758 11,472,557 4,081,799 64.42% 2024-06-14
Starring StarsStarring Stars 2Exp 8,355,743 13,225,280 4,869,537 63.18% 2024-06-14
Perfect Shining!!Perfect Shining!! 2Exp 1,775,354 11,303,301 9,527,947 15.71% 2024-06-14
みんな Happy!!みんな Happy!! 2Exp 1,555,079 11,303,237 9,748,158 13.76% 2024-06-14
Zest of BlueZest of Blue 2Exp 2,061,675 11,303,191 9,241,516 18.24% 2024-06-14
本能的 Survivor本能的 Survivor 2Exp 7,117,004 11,698,714 4,581,710 60.84% 2024-06-14
Let's Starry Party!Let's Starry Party! 2Exp 7,140,911 11,303,526 4,162,615 63.17% 2024-06-14
撩乱乙女†無双劇撩乱乙女†無双劇 2Exp 9,130,058 13,111,684 3,981,626 69.63% 2024-06-14
Here We GoHere We Go 2Exp 5,931,860 11,529,153 5,597,293 51.45% 2024-06-14
P!P!P!P!がおー!!P!P!P!P!がおー!! 2Exp 6,433,804 11,529,821 5,096,017 55.80% 2024-06-14
タテマエと本心の大乱闘タテマエと本心の大乱闘 2Exp 5,802,931 11,529,800 5,726,869 50.33% 2024-06-14
Kiss Me KissKiss Me Kiss 2Exp 7,378,182 12,094,331 4,716,149 61.01% 2024-06-14
SWEET SHAKE!!SWEET SHAKE!! 2Exp 7,384,543 11,811,925 4,427,382 62.52% 2024-06-14
What color...What color... 2Exp 7,004,941 11,812,169 4,807,228 59.30% 2024-06-14
めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち!めんどーい!やっほーい!ともだち! 2Exp 3,433,906 12,094,486 8,660,580 28.39% 2024-06-14
GAME IS LIFEGAME IS LIFE 2Exp 6,965,355 13,224,588 6,259,233 52.67% 2024-06-14
GranFatalitéGranFatalité 2Exp 7,830,178 13,225,233 5,395,055 59.21% 2024-06-14
Y.Y.Y.計画!!!!Y.Y.Y.計画!!!! 2Exp 9,707,154 14,072,316 4,365,162 68.98% 2024-06-14
UTAKATAUTAKATA 2Exp 8,357,632 13,789,384 5,431,752 60.61% 2024-06-14
Rule the World!!Rule the World!! 2Exp 9,768,942 13,790,216 4,021,274 70.84% 2024-06-14
どうぶつ☆パラダイスどうぶつ☆パラダイス 2Exp 8,286,006 13,789,983 5,503,977 60.09% 2024-06-14
ポケットからぬりつぶせ!ポケットからぬりつぶせ! 2Exp 8,379,118 12,942,146 4,563,028 64.74% 2024-06-14
まっすぐ→→→ストリーム!まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! 2Exp 6,128,644 11,698,575 5,569,931 52.39% 2024-06-14
トリドリ⇒モリモリ!Lovely fruits☆トリドリ⇒モリモリ!Lovely fruits☆ 2Exp 7,418,218 11,699,726 4,281,508 63.41% 2024-06-14
夜明けのストリング夜明けのストリング 2Exp 7,762,311 11,699,221 3,936,910 66.35% 2024-06-14
MAKING!ハイタッチ!MAKING!ハイタッチ! 2Exp 8,960,051 12,941,792 3,981,741 69.23% 2024-06-14
感情アクセラレイション感情アクセラレイション 2Exp 8,822,751 12,942,371 4,119,620 68.17% 2024-06-14
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines 2Exp 13,045,574 15,449,297 2,403,723 84.44% 2024-06-14
TAKE ON THE WORLDTAKE ON THE WORLD 2Exp 4,177,165 11,529,466 7,352,301 36.23% 2024-06-14
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears 2Exp 9,795,594 14,639,866 4,844,272 66.91% 2024-06-14
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream 2Exp 8,927,202 12,377,228 3,450,026 72.13% 2024-06-14
μ3μ3 2Exp 14,523,946 15,770,352 1,246,406 92.10% 2024-06-14
TeATeA 2Exp 7,475,899 11,529,107 4,053,208 64.84% 2024-06-14
光焔のラテラルアーク光焔のラテラルアーク 2Exp 11,684,594 15,202,658 3,518,064 76.86% 2024-06-14
Ai NovAi Nov 2Exp 4,591,606 12,942,739 8,351,133 35.48% 2024-06-14
Ai DrewAi Drew 2Exp 8,929,956 14,073,434 5,143,478 63.45% 2024-06-14
MEGATON BLASTMEGATON BLAST 2Exp 7,903,139 11,811,463 3,908,324 66.91% 2024-06-14
ロッキンピンクモンスターロッキンピンクモンスター 2Exp 7,885,944 12,941,762 5,055,818 60.93% 2024-06-14
ブツメツビーターズブツメツビーターズ 2Exp 6,847,819 12,942,073 6,094,254 52.91% 2024-06-14
Chelly spLash♪♪Chelly spLash♪♪ 2Exp 8,610,086 12,094,531 3,484,445 71.19% 2024-06-14
Vibes 2k20Vibes 2k20 2Exp 9,378,948 13,508,570 4,129,622 69.43% 2024-06-14
R'N'R MonstaR'N'R Monsta 2Exp 9,826,343 13,790,693 3,964,350 71.25% 2024-06-14
Death DollDeath Doll 2Exp 8,299,260 12,377,221 4,077,961 67.05% 2024-06-14
BOUNCE & DANCEBOUNCE & DANCE 2Exp 3,571,124 12,377,485 8,806,361 28.85% 2024-06-14
2Exp 5,718,408 12,942,334 7,223,926 44.18% 2024-06-14
A Man In The MirrorA Man In The Mirror 2Exp 8,859,666 13,508,487 4,648,821 65.59% 2024-06-14
SparkleSparkle 2Exp 8,909,704 13,507,000 4,597,296 65.96% 2024-06-14
Last KingdomLast Kingdom 2Exp 9,575,927 13,789,460 4,213,533 69.44% 2024-06-14
Sword of SecretSword of Secret 2Exp 7,156,227 13,507,143 6,350,916 52.98% 2024-06-14
MaqriteMaqrite 2Exp 7,147,501 13,507,138 6,359,637 52.92% 2024-06-14
DaydreamaDaydreama 2Exp 7,358,959 12,377,310 5,018,351 59.46% 2024-06-14
GEOMETRIC DANCEGEOMETRIC DANCE 2Exp 9,724,927 13,508,563 3,783,636 71.99% 2024-06-14
OpferOpfer 2Exp 10,943,054 14,638,808 3,695,754 74.75% 2024-06-14
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 2Exp 11,751,606 15,204,007 3,452,401 77.29% 2024-06-14
Touch and GoTouch and Go 2Exp 6,141,764 12,378,898 6,237,134 49.61% 2024-06-14
BaqeelaBaqeela 2Exp 7,726,442 12,942,250 5,215,808 59.70% 2024-06-14
ヒトリボッチサテライトヒトリボッチサテライト 2Exp 9,476,296 14,638,721 5,162,425 64.73% 2024-06-14
MarbleBlue.MarbleBlue. 2Exp 10,960,878 15,203,259 4,242,381 72.10% 2024-06-14
FestA of PandemoniuMFestA of PandemoniuM 2Exp 11,673,572 15,487,608 3,814,036 75.37% 2024-06-14
AenbharrAenbharr 2Exp 8,823,127 14,071,708 5,248,581 62.70% 2024-06-14
ω4ω4 2Exp 11,086,618 15,204,817 4,118,199 72.92% 2024-06-14
Lazy AddictionLazy Addiction 2Exp 7,293,120 12,095,975 4,802,855 60.29% 2024-06-14
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz 2Exp 6,961,920 12,659,823 5,697,903 54.99% 2024-06-14
Stellar:DreamStellar:Dream 2Exp 11,382,973 14,920,303 3,537,330 76.29% 2024-06-14
Falsum Atlantis.Falsum Atlantis. 2Exp 12,780,951 15,203,846 2,422,895 84.06% 2024-06-14
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music 2Exp 11,033,097 15,204,910 4,171,813 72.56% 2024-06-14
LAMIALAMIA 2Exp 11,960,818 15,487,558 3,526,740 77.23% 2024-06-14
Stardust:RAYStardust:RAY 2Exp 11,291,441 15,204,166 3,912,725 74.27% 2024-06-14
SingularitySingularity 2Exp 10,770,560 14,638,911 3,868,351 73.57% 2024-06-14