プレイヤーネーム Theo
トロフィー Individual on parade!
レベル 178
バトルポイント 16557
レーティング 15.69 (MAX 15.69)
マニー 17239 (Total 651589)
トータルプレイ 1789
コメント 普段は真面目な奏坂学園次期学園長。しかし……負のオンゲキが始まると、ドスケベSM女王様に大変身!へそ出し、紐パン、黒ビキニ……こんなの奏坂の公序良俗が壊れちゃいますぅ~~~!!! セオです。


最終更新: 2025-01-30 10:29:02 (?%表示は未集計です)


Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
Title Dif OD Top diff 達成度 Update
INTERNET YAMEROINTERNET YAMERO 2Exp 137.35% 753.39% 616.04% 18.23% 2024-01-04
Goodbye InnocenceGoodbye Innocence 2Exp 98.92% 846.09% 747.17% 11.69% 2024-01-04
My Soul,Your Beats!My Soul,Your Beats! 2Exp 276.89% 864.15% 587.26% 32.04% 2024-01-04
フォニイフォニイ 2Exp 160.01% 806.64% 646.63% 19.83% 2024-01-04
ヒバナヒバナ 2Exp 116.86% 874.17% 757.31% 13.36% 2024-01-04
妄想感傷代償連盟妄想感傷代償連盟 2Exp 176.31% 832.47% 656.16% 21.17% 2024-01-04
地球最後の告白を地球最後の告白を 2Exp 113.59% 874.04% 760.45% 12.99% 2024-01-04
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 2Exp 154.96% 873.99% 719.03% 17.73% 2024-01-04
初音ミクの消失初音ミクの消失 2Exp 46.17% 836.49% 790.32% 5.51% 2024-01-04
テオテオ 2Exp 126.96% 854.91% 727.95% 14.85% 2024-01-04
セカイセカイ 2Exp 101.82% 809.54% 707.72% 12.57% 2024-01-04
レータイスパークExレータイスパークEx 2Exp 165.13% 813.61% 648.48% 20.29% 2024-01-04
ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix)ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (Cranky Remix) 2Exp 61.88% 781.73% 719.85% 7.91% 2024-01-04
月に叢雲華に風月に叢雲華に風 2Exp 105.71% 874.08% 768.37% 12.09% 2024-01-04
Knight RiderKnight Rider 2Exp 148.86% 673.47% 524.61% 22.10% 2024-01-04
Let you DIVE!Let you DIVE! 2Exp 135.25% 874.15% 738.90% 15.47% 2024-01-04
Malicious MischanceMalicious Mischance 2Exp 120.33% 708.40% 588.07% 16.98% 2024-01-04
TempestissimoTempestissimo 2Exp 135.28% 603.52% 468.24% 22.41% 2024-01-04
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE 2Exp 179.04% 729.44% 550.40% 24.54% 2024-01-04
Grievous LadyGrievous Lady 2Exp 158.41% 778.58% 620.17% 20.34% 2024-01-04
迷える音色は恋の唄迷える音色は恋の唄 2Exp 407.39% 813.56% 406.17% 50.07% 2024-01-04
Dement ~after legend~Dement ~after legend~ 2Exp 103.42% 788.79% 685.37% 13.11% 2024-01-04
HalcyonHalcyon 2Exp 71.16% 823.55% 752.39% 8.64% 2024-01-04
DreadnoughtDreadnought 2Exp 28.65% 753.53% 724.88% 3.80% 2024-01-04
Re:End of a DreamRe:End of a Dream 2Exp 181.97% 782.16% 600.19% 23.26% 2024-01-04
Destr0yerDestr0yer 2Exp 96.36% 708.90% 612.54% 13.59% 2024-01-04
2Exp 153.91% 873.87% 719.96% 17.61% 2024-01-04
N3V3R G3T OV3RN3V3R G3T OV3R 2Exp 157.26% 662.56% 505.30% 23.73% 2024-01-04
Snow Colored ScoreSnow Colored Score 2Exp 88.59% 831.68% 743.09% 10.65% 2024-01-04
Alea jacta est!Alea jacta est! 2Exp 61.72% 641.54% 579.82% 9.62% 2024-01-04
Oshama Scramble!Oshama Scramble! 2Exp 93.69% 835.92% 742.23% 11.20% 2024-01-04
SILENT BLUESILENT BLUE 2Exp 47.26% 603.59% 556.33% 7.82% 2024-01-04
雷切-RAIKIRI-雷切-RAIKIRI- 2Exp 169.55% 708.51% 538.96% 23.93% 2024-01-04
larvalarva 2Exp 140.29% 673.53% 533.24% 20.82% 2024-01-04
TEmPTaTiONTEmPTaTiON 2Exp 63.31% 684.58% 621.27% 9.24% 2024-01-04
GO!GO!ラブリズム♥GO!GO!ラブリズム♥ 2Exp 55.29% 846.11% 790.82% 6.53% 2024-01-04
BOKUTOBOKUTO 2Exp 22.24% 778.42% 756.18% 2.85% 2024-01-04
Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX)Glorious Crown (tpz over-Over-OVERCUTE REMIX) 2Exp 70.54% 673.56% 603.02% 10.47% 2024-01-04
Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix)Oshama Scramble! (Cranky Remix) 2Exp 60.50% 813.47% 752.97% 7.43% 2024-01-04
Last CelebrationLast Celebration 2Exp 156.43% 722.64% 566.21% 21.64% 2024-01-04
Apollo -onoken AxSwing Remix-Apollo -onoken AxSwing Remix- 2Exp 18.57% 508.51% 489.94% 3.65% 2024-01-04
ProminenceProminence 2Exp 109.82% 543.51% 433.69% 20.20% 2024-01-04
Tricky Treat!!!Tricky Treat!!! 2Exp 196.74% 676.66% 479.92% 29.07% 2024-01-04
YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix)YURUSHITE (LeaF Remix) 2Exp 61.74% 543.74% 482.00% 11.35% 2024-01-04
STARTLINERSTARTLINER 2Exp 125.54% 859.61% 734.07% 14.60% 2024-01-04
Jump!! Jump!! Jump!!Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! 2Exp 133.04% 859.60% 726.56% 15.47% 2024-01-04
STARRED HEARTSTARRED HEART 2Exp 167.98% 841.54% 673.56% 19.96% 2024-01-04
Transcend LightsTranscend Lights 2Exp 71.38% 827.07% 755.69% 8.63% 2024-01-04
RELOADRELOAD 2Exp 45.66% 746.57% 700.91% 6.11% 2024-01-04
FLUFFY FLASHFLUFFY FLASH 2Exp 173.30% 615.76% 442.46% 28.14% 2024-01-04
美夜月鏡美夜月鏡 2Exp 130.04% 498.64% 368.60% 26.07% 2024-01-04
Vibes 2k20Vibes 2k20 2Exp 159.27% 613.58% 454.31% 25.95% 2024-01-04
ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭ジャンヌ・ダルクの慟哭 2Exp 228.76% 613.54% 384.78% 37.28% 2024-01-04
Everlasting TodayEverlasting Today 2Exp 18.45% 533.48% 515.03% 3.45% 2024-01-04
PinqPiq (xovevox Remix)PinqPiq (xovevox Remix) 2Exp 278.91% 817.98% 539.07% 34.09% 2024-01-04
Lazy AddictionLazy Addiction 2Exp 98.58% 788.51% 689.93% 12.50% 2024-01-04
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz 2Exp 94.42% 718.47% 624.05% 13.14% 2024-01-04
ミラージュ・フレイグランスミラージュ・フレイグランス 2Exp 91.45% 655.55% 564.10% 13.95% 2024-01-04
SingularitySingularity 2Exp 144.30% 835.87% 691.57% 17.26% 2024-01-04
SingularitySingularity 2Exp 39.26% 463.62% 424.36% 8.46% 2024-01-04
Supersonic GenerationSupersonic Generation 2Exp 164.08% 501.46% 337.38% 32.72% 2024-01-17
TiamaT:F minorTiamaT:F minor 2Exp 150.49% 473.49% 323.00% 31.78% 2024-01-17
FLUFFY FLASH (C-Show & Maozon Remix)FLUFFY FLASH (C-Show & Maozon Remix) 2Exp 201.49% 552.18% 350.69% 36.48% 2024-01-17
最強 the サマータイム!!!!!最強 the サマータイム!!!!! 2Exp 264.22% 845.10% 580.88% 31.26% 2024-01-17
No Limit RED ForceNo Limit RED Force 2Exp 254.07% 846.17% 592.10% 30.02% 2024-01-17
ウキウキ☆Candy!ウキウキ☆Candy! 2Exp 494.65% 799.57% 304.92% 61.86% 2024-01-17
MAGNETAR GIRLMAGNETAR GIRL 2Exp 182.93% 477.56% 294.63% 38.30% 2024-01-17
Cult futureCult future 2Exp 151.74% 515.47% 363.73% 29.43% 2024-01-17
ヒトリボッチサテライトヒトリボッチサテライト 2Exp 161.69% 463.50% 301.81% 34.88% 2024-01-17
Falsum Atlantis.Falsum Atlantis. 2Exp 80.78% 403.15% 322.37% 20.03% 2024-01-17
QZKago RequiemQZKago Requiem 2Exp 430.52% 743.60% 313.08% 57.89% 2024-01-25
Diamond DustDiamond Dust 2Exp 112.21% 473.49% 361.28% 23.69% 2024-02-02
ω4ω4 2Exp 92.51% 403.21% 310.70% 22.94% 2024-02-02
Transcend Lights -皇城 セツナソロver.-Transcend Lights -皇城 セツナソロver.- 2Exp 307.00% 613.57% 306.57% 50.03% 2024-02-02
VIIIbit ExplorerVIIIbit Explorer 2Exp 135.63% 466.52% 330.89% 29.07% 2024-02-03
AzucarAzucar 2Exp 128.89% 473.52% 344.63% 27.21% 2024-02-03
Diamond Dust -crystal piano Arr.-Diamond Dust -crystal piano Arr.- 2Exp 210.54% 543.68% 333.14% 38.72% 2024-02-03
GODLINESSGODLINESS 2Exp 94.36% 402.94% 308.58% 23.41% 2024-02-03
混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ 2Exp 183.06% 508.47% 325.41% 36.00% 2024-02-08
Invisible FrenzyInvisible Frenzy 2Exp 247.15% 533.42% 286.27% 46.33% 2024-02-11
ZitronectarZitronectar 2Exp 135.68% 473.59% 337.91% 28.64% 2024-02-11
OpferOpfer 2Exp 127.16% 473.47% 346.31% 26.85% 2024-02-11
Crimson PhoenixCrimson Phoenix 2Exp 398.79% 746.50% 347.71% 53.42% 2024-02-11
Magical Panic AdventureMagical Panic Adventure 2Exp 90.35% 392.90% 302.55% 22.99% 2024-02-11
End TimeEnd Time 2Exp 336.89% 669.72% 332.83% 50.30% 2024-02-14
SageSage 2Exp 341.94% 669.61% 327.67% 51.06% 2024-02-14
Garakuta Doll PlayGarakuta Doll Play 2Exp 183.13% 463.47% 280.34% 39.51% 2024-02-14
FragranceFragrance 2Exp 455.16% 866.05% 410.89% 52.55% 2024-02-28
オンソクデイズ!!オンソクデイズ!! 2Exp 85.07% 431.36% 346.29% 19.72% 2024-02-28
まっすぐ→→→ストリーム!まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! 2Exp 193.59% 822.54% 628.95% 23.53% 2024-02-28
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round.Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. 2Exp 102.21% 395.34% 293.13% 25.85% 2024-02-28
Ai CAi C 2Exp 130.03% 459.56% 329.53% 28.29% 2024-02-29
MEGATON BLASTMEGATON BLAST 2Exp 399.50% 823.42% 423.92% 48.51% 2024-02-29
TitaniaTitania 2Exp 65.19% 402.93% 337.74% 16.17% 2024-02-29
BATTLE NO.1BATTLE NO.1 2Exp 282.42% 606.40% 323.98% 46.57% 2024-03-01
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears 2Exp 141.59% 473.61% 332.02% 29.89% 2024-03-01
脳天直撃脳天直撃 2Exp 112.24% 393.00% 280.76% 28.55% 2024-03-01
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end-ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- 2Exp 276.02% 614.23% 338.21% 44.93% 2024-03-02
いつか花咲くその前にいつか花咲くその前に 2Exp 436.27% 850.49% 414.22% 51.29% 2024-03-02
Stargazing DreamerStargazing Dreamer 2Exp 355.54% 686.60% 331.06% 51.78% 2024-03-02
SUPER AMBULANCESUPER AMBULANCE 2Exp 204.26% 625.86% 421.60% 32.63% 2024-03-02
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music 2Exp 69.26% 403.07% 333.81% 17.18% 2024-03-02
μάγιαμάγια 2Exp 166.62% 578.59% 411.97% 28.79% 2024-03-02
宿星審判宿星審判 2Exp 85.71% 423.56% 337.85% 20.23% 2024-03-05
タテマエと本心の大乱闘タテマエと本心の大乱闘 2Exp 425.65% 835.98% 410.33% 50.91% 2024-03-05
MEGALOVANIAMEGALOVANIA 2Exp 276.27% 590.61% 314.34% 46.77% 2024-03-09
Grayed Out-Antifront-Grayed Out-Antifront- 2Exp 238.69% 676.47% 437.78% 35.28% 2024-03-09
THE TRiANGLETHE TRiANGLE 2Exp 86.64% 398.47% 311.83% 21.74% 2024-03-09
GAME:CHANGERGAME:CHANGER 2Exp 127.02% 428.48% 301.46% 29.64% 2024-03-17
A Man In The MirrorA Man In The Mirror 2Exp 290.42% 613.54% 323.12% 47.33% 2024-03-17
TECHNOPOLIS 2085TECHNOPOLIS 2085 2Exp 259.64% 561.62% 301.98% 46.23% 2024-03-22
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream 2Exp 446.40% 753.47% 307.07% 59.24% 2024-03-22
プラネタリウム・レヴュープラネタリウム・レヴュー 2Exp 537.36% 846.03% 308.67% 63.51% 2024-04-02
the EmpErroRthe EmpErroR 2Exp 338.06% 651.60% 313.54% 51.88% 2024-04-02
ゼーレンヴァンデルングゼーレンヴァンデルング 2Exp 117.21% 430.19% 312.98% 27.24% 2024-04-02
MeteorSnowMeteorSnow 2Exp 162.19% 473.44% 311.25% 34.25% 2024-04-09
POTENTIALPOTENTIAL 2Exp 130.33% 438.49% 308.16% 29.72% 2024-04-20
MarbleBlue.MarbleBlue. 2Exp 113.19% 393.01% 279.82% 28.80% 2024-04-20
しとしととしとしとと 2Exp 225.97% 533.52% 307.55% 42.35% 2024-05-08
Cogito ergo sumCogito ergo sum 2Exp 163.59% 473.60% 310.01% 34.54% 2024-05-08
Blessed RainBlessed Rain 2Exp 140.74% 599.48% 458.74% 23.47% 2024-05-23
蜘蛛の糸蜘蛛の糸 2Exp 101.75% 417.58% 315.83% 24.36% 2024-06-07
10pt8ion10pt8ion 2Exp 247.65% 568.45% 320.80% 43.56% 2024-06-09
其のエメラルドを見よ其のエメラルドを見よ 2Exp 131.95% 438.53% 306.58% 30.08% 2024-06-26
冥乱幻舞冥乱幻舞 2Exp 177.54% 473.65% 296.11% 37.48% 2024-07-04
淵底のグレイ・ユークロニア淵底のグレイ・ユークロニア 2Exp 102.84% 399.15% 296.31% 25.76% 2024-07-09
HEADLINERHEADLINER 2Exp 477.45% 774.87% 297.42% 61.61% 2024-08-20
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines 2Exp 15.29% 354.02% 338.73% 4.31% 2024-08-20
サンダーレスキュー!サンダーレスキュー! 2Exp 495.24% 821.72% 326.48% 60.26% 2024-08-21
edeneden 2Exp 178.54% 473.40% 294.86% 37.71% 2024-09-05
Individual on parade! -皇城 セツナソロver.-Individual on parade! -皇城 セツナソロver.- 2Exp 233.49% 613.68% 380.19% 38.04% 2024-09-21
Got more raves? -xiRemix-Got more raves? -xiRemix- 2Exp 121.52% 508.44% 386.92% 23.90% 2024-09-27
雪男雪男 2Exp 140.78% 548.91% 408.13% 25.64% 2024-09-28
ApolloApollo 2Exp 62.37% 354.58% 292.21% 17.58% 2024-09-28
RegulusRegulus 2Exp 103.69% 393.04% 289.35% 26.38% 2024-09-29
Stardust:RAYStardust:RAY 2Exp 100.40% 393.03% 292.63% 25.54% 2024-10-03
I WannaI Wanna 2Exp 232.80% 543.60% 310.80% 42.82% 2024-11-06
And Revive The MelodyAnd Revive The Melody 2Exp 77.39% 378.72% 301.33% 20.43% 2024-11-06
光焔のラテラルアーク光焔のラテラルアーク 2Exp 87.64% 402.98% 315.34% 21.74% 2024-11-06
SelenadiaSelenadia 2Exp 47.99% 359.07% 311.08% 13.36% 2024-11-06
LAMIALAMIA 2Exp 73.70% 378.59% 304.89% 19.46% 2024-11-06
Lazulis GambitLazulis Gambit 2Exp 95.52% 399.77% 304.25% 23.89% 2024-11-13
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 2Exp 97.50% 403.06% 305.56% 24.18% 2024-11-13
Stellar:DreamStellar:Dream 2Exp 131.74% 438.61% 306.87% 30.03% 2024-11-15
μ3μ3 2Exp 49.99% 354.09% 304.10% 14.11% 2024-11-28
Synthesis.Synthesis. 2Exp 229.96% 627.63% 397.67% 36.63% 2024-12-19
Individual on parade!Individual on parade! 2Exp 446.87% 841.68% 394.81% 53.09% 2024-12-19
FestA of PandemoniuMFestA of PandemoniuM 2Exp 89.44% 368.71% 279.27% 24.25% 2024-12-19