プレイヤーネーム YU11
トロフィー 新入生
レベル 170
バトルポイント 12982
レーティング 13.90 (MAX 13.90)
マニー 60751 (Total 198191)
トータルプレイ 1667


  Battle Score Over Damage Technical Score
Basic 0 0.00% 0
Advanced 0 0.00% 0
Expert 30,681,831 314.02% 11,684,036
Master 783,641,964 12,384.65% 109,087,715
Lunatic 26,712,199 94.88% 3,252,829
Total 841,035,994 12,793.55% 124,024,580
  AB+ SSS+ SSS SS S AAA AA A under A FB FC AB 極+ 不可 NoPlay
Basic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Advanced 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Expert 1 0 4 3 1 1 0 2 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 9 0
Master 17 57 21 10 3 0 0 0 1 84 70 66 1 1 11 13 23 29 31 0
Lunatic 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0
  AB+ SSS+ SSS SS S AAA AA A under A FB FC AB 極+ 不可 NoPlay
Lv.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.7+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.8+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.9 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Lv.9+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.10+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lv.11 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
Lv.11+ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Lv.12 2 4 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 4 1 0 2 4 2 2 3 0
Lv.12+ 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
Lv.13 2 2 5 3 1 0 0 1 0 8 4 3 0 0 1 2 2 3 6 0
Lv.13+ 4 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 8 9 8 0 0 2 2 2 5 5 0
Lv.14 6 6 6 2 1 0 0 0 0 17 12 12 0 1 2 3 6 6 3 0
Lv.14+ 3 17 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 22 20 20 0 0 2 1 6 5 11 0
Lv.15 0 22 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 22 21 20 0 0 0 0 4 7 12 0
Lv.15+ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
  Basic Advanced Expert Master Lunatic 合計
Lv.0 - - - - - 0
Lv.1 - - - - - 0
Lv.2 - - - - - 0
Lv.3 - - - - - 0
Lv.4 - - - - - 0
Lv.5 - - - - - 0
Lv.6 - - - - - 0
Lv.7 - - - - - 0
Lv.7+ - - - - - 0
Lv.8 - - - - - 0
Lv.8+ - - - - - 0
Lv.9 - - 998,397 - - 998,397
Lv.9+ - - - - - 0
Lv.10 - - - - - 0
Lv.10+ - - - - - 0
Lv.11 - - 921,824 1,008,146 - 964,985
Lv.11+ - - - 1,006,561 - 1,006,561
Lv.12 - - 998,864 1,007,328 - 1,006,119
Lv.12+ - - 993,845 1,005,634 - 1,002,687
Lv.13 - - 960,504 1,004,589 - 991,994
Lv.13+ - - - 961,658 427,156 928,251
Lv.14 - - 1,010,000 1,005,836 - 1,006,034
Lv.14+ - - - 1,007,097 878,166 1,001,940
Lv.15 - - - 1,009,329 973,753 1,006,236
Lv.15+ - - - 1,006,251 - 1,006,251
All - - 973,669 1,000,804 813,207 992,196



現行譜面のみ 現行譜面のみ / スコア0を表示
削除譜面のみ 削除譜面のみ / スコア0を表示


Title Category Dif Lv FB FC AB 評価 Rank BS OD Next TS Next Rate Update
Title Category Dif Lv FB FC AB 評価 Rank BS OD Next TS Next Rate Update
雪男雪男 チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 150.14 1009607SSS+ 91519009,151,900 150.14% -49.87-49.87% 10096071,009,607 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
the EmpErroRthe EmpErroR チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ 320.03 997983SS 97093319,709,331 320.03% -79.98-79.98% 997983997,983 -2017-2,017 ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SS - Master 0
混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ混沌を越えし我らが神聖なる調律主を讃えよ チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 122.92 1009395SSS+ 93401499,340,149 122.92% -77.08-77.08% 10093951,009,395 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
蜘蛛の糸蜘蛛の糸 チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 97.01 1009676SSS+ 1094859410,948,594 97.01% -2.99-2.99% 10096761,009,676 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
POTENTIALPOTENTIAL チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 53.60 1009696SSS+ 97392379,739,237 53.60% -46.4-46.4% 10096961,009,696 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Scythe of DeathScythe of Death チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 111.20 1009881SSS+ 1113686011,136,860 111.20% -88.8-88.8% 10098811,009,881 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
R'N'R MonstaR'N'R Monsta オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 258.58 1010000AB+ 1013853610,138,536 258.58% -41.43-41.43% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
See The LightSee The Light オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 158.33 1000998SSS 91039649,103,964 158.33% -41.67-41.67% 10009981,000,998 -6502-6,502 ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS FB Master 0
Cult futureCult future オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 130.65 1009667SSS+ 92656979,265,697 130.65% -69.35-69.35% 10096671,009,667 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
GAME:CHANGERGAME:CHANGER オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB 5.31 999041SS 1033886510,338,865 5.31% -94.69-94.69% 999041999,041 -959-959 ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SS FB Master 0
まりもとおもちゃ箱まりもとおもちゃ箱 オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 60.21 1010000AB+ 96047809,604,780 60.21% -39.79-39.79% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
LostwizzLostwizz オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 398.34 1009970SSS+ 92841029,284,102 398.34% -1.67-1.67% 10099701,009,970 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
SuspiroSuspiro オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 311.31 1010000AB+ 92613219,261,321 311.31% -88.69-88.69% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
MEGALOVANIAMEGALOVANIA VARIETY 10Lun 14+ 0.00不可 878166A 56186055,618,605 0.00% -100-100% 878166878,166 -21834-21,834 ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 不可 A - Lunatic 0
AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!!AMAZING MIGHTYYYY!!!! チュウマイ 10Lun 15 FB FC AB 94.88 1009622SSS+ 99226649,922,664 94.88% -5.13-5.13% 10096221,009,622 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-24 15:06:23 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Lunatic 0
RegulusRegulus チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009539SSS+ 1076720410,767,204 0.00% -100-100% 10095391,009,539 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
HainuweleHainuwele チュウマイ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 196.85 1009747SSS+ 94814289,481,428 196.85% -3.16-3.16% 10097471,009,747 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Recollect LinesRecollect Lines オンゲキ 3Mas 15+ FB FC 25.99 1006251SSS 1059963210,599,632 25.99% -74.02-74.02% 10062511,006,251 -1249-1,249 ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 SSS FB+FC Master 0
BOUNCE & DANCEBOUNCE & DANCE オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB 319.30 1003908SSS 85767488,576,748 319.30% -80.7-80.7% 10039081,003,908 -3592-3,592 ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 SSS FB Master 0
RadianceRadiance オンゲキ 3Mas 13 276.79 1006996SSS 91989199,198,919 276.79% -23.21-23.21% 10069961,006,996 -504-504 ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 SSS - Master 0
FestA of PandemoniuMFestA of PandemoniuM オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC 0.00不可 1008574SSS+ 1081874710,818,747 0.00% -100-100% 10085741,008,574 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 不可 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
怨撃怨撃 オンゲキ 10Lun 15 0.00不可 937885AA 91640319,164,031 0.00% -100-100% 937885937,885 -2115-2,115 ||||||||| 2024-05-21 00:09:45 不可 AA - Lunatic 0
Grayed Out-Antifront-Grayed Out-Antifront- VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 335.17 1010000AB+ 90669919,066,991 335.17% -64.83-64.83% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
GenesisGenesis チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 346.53 1009860SSS+ 86001758,600,175 346.53% -53.48-53.48% 10098601,009,860 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
And Revive The MelodyAnd Revive The Melody オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 41.72 1009306SSS+ 1096334110,963,341 41.72% -58.28-58.28% 10093061,009,306 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
トリドリ⇒モリモリ!Lovely fruits☆トリドリ⇒モリモリ!Lovely fruits☆ オンゲキ 3Mas 12 FB FC AB 503.94極+ 1009907SSS+ 85448708,544,870 503.94% 0- 10099071,009,907 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 極+ SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Magical Panic AdventureMagical Panic Adventure オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 21.58 1009750SSS+ 1066333410,663,334 21.58% -78.42-78.42% 10097501,009,750 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
MEGATON BLASTMEGATON BLAST オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 486.17 1009432SSS+ 80831518,083,151 486.17% -13.83-13.83% 10094321,009,432 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
SelenadiaSelenadia オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 17.29 1009581SSS+ 1110205611,102,056 17.29% -82.71-82.71% 10095811,009,581 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
MeteorSnowMeteorSnow オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 136.93 1008622SSS+ 99252349,925,234 136.93% -63.07-63.07% 10086221,008,622 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
OpferOpfer オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 136.92 1009947SSS+ 1015881610,158,816 136.92% -63.09-63.09% 10099471,009,947 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
TitaniaTitania オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 10.52 1009506SSS+ 96383549,638,354 10.52% -89.48-89.48% 10095061,009,506 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-17 23:40:44 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Lost PrincessLost Princess POPS&ANIME 2Exp 9 47.82 1000173SSS 16536881,653,688 47.82% -52.18-52.18% 10001731,000,173 -7327-7,327 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Expert 0
Connecting Happy!!Connecting Happy!! POPS&ANIME 2Exp 9 0.00不可 996622SS 16637861,663,786 0.00% -100-100% 996622996,622 -3378-3,378 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SS - Expert 0
初音ミクの激唱初音ミクの激唱 niconico 2Exp 11 6.19 880398A 10510901,051,090 6.19% -93.81-93.81% 880398880,398 -19602-19,602 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 A - Expert 0
神威神威 VARIETY 2Exp 12 0.00不可 995629SS 20641602,064,160 0.00% -100-100% 995629995,629 -4371-4,371 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SS - Expert 0
FragranceFragrance チュウマイ 2Exp 14 FB FC AB 260.01 1010000AB+ 50167825,016,782 260.01% -40-40% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Expert 0
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears オンゲキ 2Exp 13 0.00不可 1007125SSS 24356892,435,689 0.00% -100-100% 10071251,007,125 -375-375 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS - Expert 0
Ai NovAi Nov オンゲキ 2Exp 11 0.00不可 963251AAA 16057671,605,767 0.00% -100-100% 963251963,251 -6749-6,749 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 AAA - Expert 0
Everlasting TodayEverlasting Today オンゲキ 2Exp 12+ FB 0.00不可 993845SS 21560442,156,044 0.00% -100-100% 993845993,845 -6155-6,155 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SS FB Expert 0
YURUSHITEYURUSHITE オンゲキ 2Exp 12 FB 0.00不可 1002100SSS 24959322,495,932 0.00% -100-100% 10021001,002,100 -5400-5,400 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS FB Expert 0
OpferOpfer オンゲキ 2Exp 13 0.00不可 978064S 23272322,327,232 0.00% -100-100% 978064978,064 -11936-11,936 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 S - Expert 0
TitaniaTitania オンゲキ 2Exp 13 0.00不可 854789A 23371672,337,167 0.00% -100-100% 854789854,789 -45211-45,211 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 A - Expert 0
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music オンゲキ 2Exp 13 FB 0.00不可 1002040SSS 58744945,874,494 0.00% -100-100% 10020401,002,040 -5460-5,460 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS FB Expert 0
レイル・ロマネスク ハチロクver.レイル・ロマネスク ハチロクver. POPS&ANIME 3Mas 12 FB FC AB 159.72 1010000AB+ 51317795,131,779 159.72% -40.28-40.28% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Lost PrincessLost Princess POPS&ANIME 3Mas 11 222.94 1008665SSS+ 45730374,573,037 222.94% -77.06-77.06% 10086651,008,665 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ - Master 0
Connecting Happy!!Connecting Happy!! POPS&ANIME 3Mas 12 FB FC AB 9.56 1009909SSS+ 20575492,057,549 9.56% -90.44-90.44% 10099091,009,909 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
ヒバナヒバナ niconico 3Mas 12 221.18 1000018SSS 45471904,547,190 221.18% -78.82-78.82% 10000181,000,018 -7482-7,482 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
ドラマツルギードラマツルギー niconico 3Mas 13 140.93 992006SS 42764724,276,472 140.93% -59.07-59.07% 992006992,006 -7994-7,994 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS - Master 0
グリーンライツ・セレナーデグリーンライツ・セレナーデ niconico 3Mas 12 187.40 1007448SSS 46743224,674,322 187.40% -12.6-12.6% 10074481,007,448 -52-52 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
METEORMETEOR niconico 3Mas 12 77.32 1005192SSS 22801162,280,116 77.32% -22.69-22.69% 10051921,005,192 -2308-2,308 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
天狗の落とし文 feat. ytr天狗の落とし文 feat. ytr 東方Project 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 53.47 1010000AB+ 45917714,591,771 53.47% -46.53-46.53% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
TempestissimoTempestissimo VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1010000AB+ 49366374,936,637 0.00% -100-100% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
アリサのテーマアリサのテーマ VARIETY 3Mas 13 FB 202.86 999932SS 48844054,884,405 202.86% -97.14-97.14% 999932999,932 -68-68 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS FB Master 0
神威神威 VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 216.31 1009898SSS+ 80582148,058,214 216.31% -83.69-83.69% 10098981,009,898 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
FREEDOM DiVEFREEDOM DiVE VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB 120.80 994562SS 56558545,655,854 120.80% -79.2-79.2% 994562994,562 -5438-5,438 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS FB Master 0
ベースラインやってる?笑ベースラインやってる?笑 VARIETY 3Mas 13 FB 195.96 997845SS 49095544,909,554 195.96% -4.04-4.04% 997845997,845 -2155-2,155 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS FB Master 0
BATTLE NO.1BATTLE NO.1 VARIETY 3Mas 14 0.00不可 1003507SSS 59150255,915,025 0.00% -100-100% 10035071,003,507 -3993-3,993 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS - Master 0
End TimeEnd Time VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 16.95 1008519SSS+ 52794815,279,481 16.95% -83.05-83.05% 10085191,008,519 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
AirAir VARIETY 3Mas 14 FB 101.13 1006850SSS 50123435,012,343 101.13% -98.87-98.87% 10068501,006,850 -650-650 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS FB Master 0
Jack-the-Ripper◆Jack-the-Ripper◆ VARIETY 3Mas 14 130.28 989958S 42564684,256,468 130.28% -69.72-69.72% 989958989,958 -42-42 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 S - Master 0
Love & JusticeLove & Justice VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 112.37 1009788SSS+ 58250225,825,022 112.37% -87.63-87.63% 10097881,009,788 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
HalcyonHalcyon VARIETY 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 19.64 1009937SSS+ 22390832,239,083 19.64% -80.36-80.36% 10099371,009,937 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
DreadnoughtDreadnought VARIETY 3Mas 13+ 99.31 1000688SSS 49058404,905,840 99.31% -0.69-0.69% 10006881,000,688 -6812-6,812 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
Re:End of a DreamRe:End of a Dream VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 165.37 1009693SSS+ 53557295,355,729 165.37% -34.63-34.63% 10096931,009,693 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Destr0yerDestr0yer VARIETY 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 349973B 14337081,433,708 0.00% -100-100% 349973349,973 -500027-500,027 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 under A - Master 0
Shamshir -rough Pt.2-Shamshir -rough Pt.2- VARIETY 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 341.52 1010000AB+ 85460168,546,016 341.52% -58.49-58.49% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
SILENT BLUESILENT BLUE チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB 139.13 1002205SSS 83878358,387,835 139.13% -60.87-60.87% 10022051,002,205 -5295-5,295 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS FB Master 0
四月の雨四月の雨 チュウマイ 3Mas 13+ FB 183.70 988156S 45330464,533,046 183.70% -16.31-16.31% 988156988,156 -1844-1,844 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 S FB Master 0
TEmPTaTiONTEmPTaTiON チュウマイ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 32.41 1010000AB+ 52471965,247,196 32.41% -67.59-67.59% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
World VanquisherWorld Vanquisher チュウマイ 3Mas 14 158.61 1006846SSS 96320039,632,003 158.61% -41.39-41.39% 10068461,006,846 -654-654 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
宿星審判宿星審判 チュウマイ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 68.99 1009441SSS+ 1087119010,871,190 68.99% -31.02-31.02% 10094411,009,441 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
THE TRiANGLETHE TRiANGLE オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ 0.00不可 987827S 84136718,413,671 0.00% -100-100% 987827987,827 -2173-2,173 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 S - Master 0
STARTLINERSTARTLINER オンゲキ 3Mas 11 FB 320.28 1007628SSS+ 64208516,420,851 320.28% -79.73-79.73% 10076281,007,628 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB Master 0
Jump!! Jump!! Jump!!Jump!! Jump!! Jump!! オンゲキ 3Mas 12 221.77 1007479SSS 48267284,826,728 221.77% -78.23-78.23% 10074791,007,479 -21-21 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
最強 the サマータイム!!!!!最強 the サマータイム!!!!! オンゲキ 3Mas 12 FB 243.38 1008965SSS+ 52836255,283,625 243.38% -56.62-56.62% 10089651,008,965 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB Master 0
Splash Dance!!Splash Dance!! オンゲキ 3Mas 12+ 222.59 1001417SSS 51172245,117,224 222.59% -77.41-77.41% 10014171,001,417 -6083-6,083 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
No Limit RED ForceNo Limit RED Force オンゲキ 3Mas 12 307.79 1007932SSS+ 65164676,516,467 307.79% -92.21-92.21% 10079321,007,932 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ - Master 0
STARRED HEARTSTARRED HEART オンゲキ 3Mas 12+ FB 302.25 1005486SSS 65298066,529,806 302.25% -97.75-97.75% 10054861,005,486 -2014-2,014 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS FB Master 0
Transcend LightsTranscend Lights オンゲキ 3Mas 12 FB 225.55 1005654SSS 53723305,372,330 225.55% -74.45-74.45% 10056541,005,654 -1846-1,846 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS FB Master 0
タテマエと本心の大乱闘タテマエと本心の大乱闘 オンゲキ 3Mas 11+ 153.11 1006561SSS 39802643,980,264 153.11% -46.89-46.89% 10065611,006,561 -939-939 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
Y.Y.Y.計画!!!!Y.Y.Y.計画!!!! オンゲキ 3Mas 12 0.00不可 1005437SSS 56789355,678,935 0.00% -100-100% 10054371,005,437 -2063-2,063 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS - Master 0
ぱくぱく☆がーるぱくぱく☆がーる オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1010000AB+ 54954285,495,428 0.00% -100-100% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
まっすぐ→→→ストリーム!まっすぐ→→→ストリーム! オンゲキ 3Mas 12+ FB FC AB 69.69 1010000AB+ 28819472,881,947 69.69% -30.31-30.31% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
夜明けのストリング夜明けのストリング オンゲキ 3Mas 12 FB FC AB 395.54 1010000AB+ 70641357,064,135 395.54% -4.46-4.46% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Iudicium “Apocalypsis Mix”Iudicium “Apocalypsis Mix” オンゲキ 3Mas 13 FB FC 47.10 1008658SSS+ 55180735,518,073 47.10% -52.9-52.9% 10086581,008,658 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC Master 0
Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I.Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I. オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 11.90 995046SS 60384796,038,479 11.90% -88.1-88.1% 995046995,046 -4954-4,954 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS - Master 0
Viyella's TearsViyella's Tears オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1008822SSS+ 62294596,229,459 0.00% -100-100% 10088221,008,822 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Viyella's ScreamViyella's Scream オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 116.73 1008793SSS+ 52657195,265,719 116.73% -83.27-83.27% 10087931,008,793 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
μ3μ3 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB 0.00不可 1008290SSS+ 1052612610,526,126 0.00% -100-100% 10082901,008,290 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB Master 0
Starlight★LimitedStarlight★Limited オンゲキ 3Mas 14 50.94 998234SS 1018014510,180,145 50.94% -49.06-49.06% 998234998,234 -1766-1,766 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS - Master 0
MAGNETAR GIRLMAGNETAR GIRL オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 19.51 1009894SSS+ 92851299,285,129 19.51% -80.49-80.49% 10098941,009,894 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
AstrøNotes.AstrøNotes. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009446SSS+ 57829965,782,996 0.00% -100-100% 10094461,009,446 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
光焔のラテラルアーク光焔のラテラルアーク オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009523SSS+ 78220727,822,072 0.00% -100-100% 10095231,009,523 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Ai NovAi Nov オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 265.22 1006222SSS 90596409,059,640 265.22% -34.78-34.78% 10062221,006,222 -1278-1,278 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS - Master 0
Ai DrewAi Drew オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009936SSS+ 57073535,707,353 0.00% -100-100% 10099361,009,936 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
FLUFFY FLASHFLUFFY FLASH オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1010000AB+ 57496195,749,619 0.00% -100-100% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
脳天直撃脳天直撃 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009320SSS+ 55755345,575,534 0.00% -100-100% 10093201,009,320 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
A Day in the PatisserieA Day in the Patisserie オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 132.20 1010000AB+ 82426518,242,651 132.20% -67.81-67.81% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
A Man In The MirrorA Man In The Mirror オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009874SSS+ 54659415,465,941 0.00% -100-100% 10098741,009,874 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Last KingdomLast Kingdom オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FC AB 0.00不可 1008695SSS+ 51890325,189,032 0.00% -100-100% 10086951,008,695 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FC+AB Master 0
Sword of SecretSword of Secret オンゲキ 3Mas 13 0.00不可 1006616SSS 49303344,930,334 0.00% -100-100% 10066161,006,616 -884-884 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS - Master 0
Everlasting TodayEverlasting Today オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1010000AB+ 51480185,148,018 0.00% -100-100% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Adverse GaffAdverse Gaff オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009861SSS+ 50673715,067,371 0.00% -100-100% 10098611,009,861 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
GEOMETRIC DANCEGEOMETRIC DANCE オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 0.00不可 1006507SSS 61350806,135,080 0.00% -100-100% 10065071,006,507 -993-993 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS FB Master 0
其のエメラルドを見よ其のエメラルドを見よ オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 19.85 1009254SSS+ 1026654110,266,541 19.85% -80.16-80.16% 10092541,009,254 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》Op.I《fear-TITΛN-》 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009460SSS+ 1067835510,678,355 0.00% -100-100% 10094601,009,460 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Touch and GoTouch and Go オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FC 284.41 1007526SSS+ 78128557,812,855 284.41% -15.59-15.59% 10075261,007,526 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FC Master 0
BaqeelaBaqeela オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 3.84 1009596SSS+ 47210674,721,067 3.84% -96.16-96.16% 10095961,009,596 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Good bye, Merry-Go-Round.Good bye, Merry-Go-Round. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009551SSS+ 55436715,543,671 0.00% -100-100% 10095511,009,551 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
SUPER AMBULANCESUPER AMBULANCE オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 238.95 1009861SSS+ 84154228,415,422 238.95% -61.06-61.06% 10098611,009,861 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
MarbleBlue.MarbleBlue. オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 11.89 1008988SSS+ 97644269,764,426 11.89% -88.11-88.11% 10089881,008,988 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
ω4ω4 オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009610SSS+ 93334369,333,436 0.00% -100-100% 10096101,009,610 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Lazy AddictionLazy Addiction オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ FB FC AB 70.11 1010000AB+ 37509563,750,956 70.11% -29.89-29.89% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Galaxy BlasterGalaxy Blaster オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 93.34 1010000AB+ 99806549,980,654 93.34% -6.66-6.66% 10100001,010,000 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 AB+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Desperado WaltzDesperado Waltz オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB FC AB 66.69 1009802SSS+ 51263075,126,307 66.69% -33.31-33.31% 10098021,009,802 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
HONEY-QHONEY-Q オンゲキ 3Mas 13+ 0.00不可 999064SS 56367695,636,769 0.00% -100-100% 999064999,064 -936-936 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SS - Master 0
ミラージュ・フレイグランスミラージュ・フレイグランス オンゲキ 3Mas 14 FB 78.83 993338SS 66839016,683,901 78.83% -21.17-21.17% 993338993,338 -6662-6,662 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 SS FB Master 0
Stellar:DreamStellar:Dream オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009509SSS+ 76775747,677,574 0.00% -100-100% 10095091,009,509 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Falsum Atlantis.Falsum Atlantis. オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009304SSS+ 64881406,488,140 0.00% -100-100% 10093041,009,304 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Don't Fight The MusicDon't Fight The Music オンゲキ 3Mas 14+ FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009575SSS+ 61759756,175,975 0.00% -100-100% 10095751,009,575 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
LAMIALAMIA オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1008812SSS+ 1062925010,629,250 0.00% -100-100% 10088121,008,812 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
ApolloApollo オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1008989SSS+ 1018487410,184,874 0.00% -100-100% 10089891,008,989 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Stardust:RAYStardust:RAY オンゲキ 3Mas 15 FB FC AB 0.00不可 1009477SSS+ 70423887,042,388 0.00% -100-100% 10094771,009,477 0- ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 SSS+ FB+FC+AB Master 0
Sakura FubukiSakura Fubuki VARIETY 10Lun 13+ 0.00不可 427156B 20068992,006,899 0.00% -100-100% 427156427,156 -422844-422,844 ||||||||| 2024-05-12 18:04:28 不可 under A - Lunatic 0